Thursday, 24 December 2015


Trawangan is the biggest island on three paradise island in North Lombok with thousand or million visitor visited every year, it contribute to decrease unemployment, increase regend income and heal the social and culture generally for indonesia and eapecially for Lombok Island.

Bring a big stuff on our luggage may a big problem when we do traveling but what will be happen if you want to spend a little of your money to save for next destination, it a great if you have a big money to spend, just bring a few dress and credit card and everything will be perfect but this siutable for a traveller have got money a lot. 

Terawangan serve any kind of thing that the guest want it from bike, surf board, snorkeling equipment, money changer, water sport and etc everything it same like perfect island to cover all the thing you need during your stay, so what you thing about my suggestion "bring a little thing to save the budget" this is look very complicated for some people they will say holiday is fun, finish all actually for the people who has great planning, here the thing you should bring to Gili Trawangan :

1. Snorkeling Equipment

Gili Trawangan has more than 10 the best place for snorkeling from shoreline to the middle of the sea, buy foot or buy boat everything promises the best view to explore, snorkeling equipment should be a simple thing you've to bring although you can hires in Gili Trawangan,

Imagine if you stay longer then what your planning before due to the water conditions and great views that you explore, a snorkeling equipment is a great thing to help you to enjoy the time, you can hire a package of snorkeling equipment at price 75.000 in a day but if you bring from home this money can be save.

2. Surf Board

Trawangan has a place where the people can do surfing it located on the southern of Gili Trawangan actually cloae to kokomo restaurant, the waves are suitable for the people on beginning class with small wave embarrassing.

Some of young Australia always bring a surf board to enjoy the afternoon time with surfing in Gili Trawangan, the local operators hires surf board with price 100,000, for 2 or 3 hours.

3. Under water Camera 

The regular camera was a important thing for travellers to catch the beautiful view, on Gili Trawangan as a menories to remember, with a beautiful view to explore some of the people never forget their camera to catch every moment holiday and every atep they work, all that amazing view or inhabitual action ready to catch.

What about world underwater, this more and more beautiful thing to explore then on land, blue coral, white tip shark, salt water turtle, fish with any different colour will look so fabulous, never want to miss it, bring your underwater camera and ready to explore it, underwater camera was hired for 300.000, in a day use very expensive is it.

4. Diving Suit

Normally this is not an important thing to bring cause of not many guest like to do dive and not part of their hobby but this advise aiming to the people who planning to dive on Gili Island, bring your diving suit will be a great thing to do, some of dive shop sell applied diving suit for sell as we know that the price was very expensive, the better choice is to bring the thing from home.

Sive company offer diving classes including equipment to wear and ready for tank, but sone time the quality of our diving suit much different with what we own this is will affect to the comfortable to dive. 

This island has more than 20 diving spot to visit and applied more than 15 diving company to cover all of your diving licence.

5. Torch or Flash Light

Gili trawangan is one of the island that far from crime dri government contribute and local people helping to keep the island calm as we wanted, some of the road inland not enough light to shine the road then you need a torch to help you To find right way. 

And for some guest who stay in central area will no worry about this, the light bright strongly to help your step. 

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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