Friday, 11 December 2015


Today i want share the information about animals in Gili Trawangan which has extreme temperature when dry season, the gili has been call cat island which mean the island fully with cat population. The Trawangan island most live under the human control especially for food and drink, let we see about home cat, they stay under human control as same as horse of the island. Let we see the animal of Gili Trawangan which live in the island.


The cats are most animal population in this island and they live without their predator, so do not surprise if you hear that there are no dog in this island.

Most of the cat has short tile from genetik not cause of some people cut the tile off. The population was out of control, the trawangan club who are care to cat population very worried about this situation, they tried to find the best solution to stop the cats population in gili trawangan island.

Finally they found the great solution that they will threath the cat with injection to stop it from reproduction to decrease over population and now you can find cat clinic in that island to keep care about cat population.


One of the main transportation of this tiny island is horse cart, it need horse to bring the cart for main transportation, however a horse cart is most important transportation for bring the guest with luggage or building material.

The horse cart company in gili trawangan we call " janur indah" they provide horse cart transport for the guest.

This island show you the unusually view when horse load the much load material for hotel construction, this same like the people force the horse to load anything out of their power.

The people in this island keep holding the grand motto "island without pollution" then they left any job on horse control to load it, and what about horse riding? In this island they have just a company who provide horse riding to look around the island in shoreline.

The location of this company ob feet of Gili T hill, they live on stage with enough food and calory.


This island is a forest ten years ago with coconut trees sorround it and most of local people had cow farm until now.

If you try to walk inside the village you will see a lot of cows walk around to find grasses to get feed.However this island have a story behind the tourism destination now, keep the environment from rubbish. Keep natural

One of the lasting question still no answer in my mind, please find a little information by some interview to the local   People

1. how can they feed the animals when dry season ?

We buy a big case of grass from lombok and sailing to gili trawangan with price IDR. 50.000,- per case, 

2. How often you feed the horse in a day

We feed the horse three time, in the morning, afternoon and night

3. How many hour the horse work in a day.

They work eight hours in a day 

4. How about clinic for horse, how can you keep horse work properly ?

In gili trawangan we had any community, they provide nutrition for horse and clinic for free.


In the middle of Gili Trawangan you will hear the birds singing with beautiful voices hang pn the trees it means this island still keep naturalism to environment and it avoid catching the bird for put on the stage.

Natural life ecosystem most valuable than how much money you can earn by hospitallity but in this island they life together hand to hand support one to each other to keep natural ecosystem.

Look at the video "Black cat fighting with loud screaming"

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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