Saturday, 12 December 2015


Gili Meno is the smallest island that popular with bird park conservation, it located on middle of three islets with salt lake on the middle of this island. Tranquil and calm make this place special  for honeymoon and so not ever you can find high class hotel in this island there are some accommodation that you can find like bungalows and lumbung.

Look around this island take 2 hours by walk dominated with sandy beach front, the local people around 300 family and they almost do fishing as main income.


This island not much different with Gili Trawangan, the transportation covered by horse cart and bike for land activity. The transportation was managed by local operator, the local people typically primitive and low knowledge about modernization.

How to Go

You can reach this island from Lombok Mainland by regular boat from Bangsal harbor to Gili Meno, the public boat leaves on schedule, special for Gili Meno the boat departure at 02.00 in the afternoon only, they just go one time in a day with price 13.000 per person take time just 15 minutes.

The public boat was managed by Koperasi Karya Bahari as the one of public boat operator for gili island, and make you buy the ticket directly on the office not on second hand or Bangsal Guide. From trawangan you may take hopping boat from  at 09.00 and at 03.00 in the afternoon, for quick option visit Terawangan harbor and you can buy the ticket on public boat office who managed the transport to Gili Meno. The price around 25.000,- with 30 passenger on the boat and will take 10 minutes across it.


Gili Meno was well-known with turtle point on the west side of the island or right facing to Gili Trawangan, explore this spot was interesting to do for snorkeling. Natural beach most incredible experience with white sandy beach never approach closely, however look around this island by walk or by bike is not much different due to you can stop anywhere you find the best panorama and picture to catch.

You may visit bird sanctuary with much tropical like flamingo, parrot, etc just spend 50.000 and you can see any bird with beautiful color and deeply voices.

Where to Stay

This island most simple island with not much accommodation to say and no high class or five star hotel building, they still keep nature to minimalism something we never hoped.

1. Mahamaya

This hotel location on the middle of the island they use modern concept for building and swimming facing to the room are makes most fabulous choice to stay. The price up to 1.000.000 per night and you will feel comfortable stay and escape from busy and noisy activity

2. Les Villa Ottalia

The new private villa was built with natural ecosystem building concept, the owner care about ecosystem then they keep the building hotel out of chemical or modern concept. This a branch hotel of Les Villa Ottalia in Bali and Gili Trawangan, the price about 2.000.000 to enjoy the Eco concept for beautiful life.

3. Horizontal

The second hotel of horizontal in Gili Trawangan with great natural beach front,  you can stay on the beach while enjoy good view. Lounge chair and umbrella was provided on the beach to accompanied your life relaxing activity in island life.



ATM was established in this island for easier transaction for local or tourist, however some of the guest need money cash to cover the transaction with small cafe or restaurant which not provide credit card as payment method.

Money Changer

This facility most important from years to years to exchange the money from different land, we can prohibit this business to improve in a small island like Gili Meno due to an useful for the guest.


Many restaurant you can find a long the beach with various food to serve from local to western and Japanese too. Restaurant on the beach most interesting choice 

Cafe Bar

Need for drink or music, this island provide cafe and bar to enjoy the classical night on the beach fully with colorful light and music.

For more incredible picture on video, look at this video share 

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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