How your contributions to gili island | LOMBOK SOCIETY

Saturday, 26 December 2015

How your contributions to gili island

Gili island is a small land with limited facilities, as we know that anything in this island has high price while compare with some products in Lombok mainland this based on sailing fee and transportaton to deliver the product from Lombok to Gili Island. 

As a small island we need high appreciated and contribute from local or tourist to keep gili island stay natural, some of contributions that need like : 

1. Don't throw anything in the toilet 

The toilet was designed to save an organic septic tank, to avoid any water block and toilet peoblem that better to put the toilet paper on rubbish bin that applies in the bath room.

2. Save water 

Turn the water off when you left the room cause we re in small island with limited fresh water product to using by hotel, fresh water is one of the beat hotel facility that most important in small island and please save the water for next user.

3. Pick any rubbish on road you pass

A small thing can be a big thing in your contribution be inspired for another one, Lombok is the island that not much carr about rubbish due to the education was low and not conservative. 

Keep your self as inspired people to follow by someone else, your small thing can be important then doing nothing.

3. Do not walk on coral reef

Coral is a part of water ecosystem where animals underwater lives and stay, keep the coral growth to generate more animals to live and stay together and do not touch the coral reef.

The coral reef was so smooth and easy break so one touch can break it and it need long time to born a new leafs.

4. Save Energy

Turn off light, ac, fan and water heater when you leaves the room due yo electricity come from petrol and you can contribute by decreasing power using

5. Refill your water

To overcome the rubbish issue in this island you can do by refill your water bottle, this can be save the money and no rubbish.

Some of the hotel declared to overcoming rubbish issue by provide water refill as a part hotel facility, so keep the environment to go green.

7. Do not pick any shells from the sea

Shell is a small thing that you may found on the beach with colorful design, but do not think that there no animal inside, the hammit crab that stay inside and when you bring to other make them killed.

Actually the shell is a place where the small animal leaves to avoid them from foreigner or predator, then please do not pick any shell as part of save environment.

8. Do not cut any tree on the beach 

As a local people call a tree "sentigi" that very important to blocking the wave and keep the sandy, the contributions pointed to owner of hotel or restaurant to realize it. When the trees cut it off it will make the sandy decrease from the land and the beaches will loss. 

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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