Saturday, 12 December 2015


Rinjani mountain is the highest top of Lombok mainland which located on the north side of Lombok Island, it the third of highest mountain in Indonesia with up to 3.726 meter from surface of the water.

Trekking this mountain will be a great adventure but that is not easy with trek and the road, any hard work and effort that you have done  will be paid when you arrived on the top mountain to reach a beautiful sun-raise.

This mountain is a part of "Cincin Api or fair ring" that was well-known and has important aspect for spiritual Lombok human, the main word of Rinjani taken from java literature that means "god" but the other thing that Lombok people say the name as same as the queen who stay on that mountain that is "Queen anjani" based lombok people story, you may found a lot of waterfall in foot of rinjani mountain. The best Lombok waterfall located in Rinjani Mountain

On the foot of this mountain you will discover a beautiful waterfall with tropical forest green leafs surround it. A cool temperature make us to keep you skin skin with thick jacket while visit this area,

Rinjani Mountain has a beautiful lake at least 6 kilometers opposite to the biggest spot, it located around 600 meters from summit of Rinjani Mountain.

On the lake you can find new tiny mountain that popular with "Gunung Baru Jari" it means new mountain that the result of eruption on 1990.

Segara Anak lake is one of a place that has spiritual soul for Balinese people who always visit every year, bring some gift to the soul of mountain, the ceremony we call pekelan, and for Muslim Wetu telu keep that place of segara anak as sacred place to keep, they always come to that place for praying to the god on full moon time.

Rinjani mountain has a community or one of the national company to keep this place that we call " Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani" who has authority to allow the people to enter Rinjani Mountain or trekking, was established in 1997 and this a part of 40 national park in Indonesia.

The Lombok people believe that Rinjani Mountain is a place where the Ratu Dewi Anjani live based on long history hundred years ago, causes of this story the people decide to make that place well sacred.


Much activity we can do on this mountain based on nature condition :

1. Trekking

There is no activity that more than trekking with nature challenge, discover flora and fauna, you can imagine how big the challenge you will find if you reach 3.726 meters top with great panorama gift on the top.

For trekking that divide by 2 session, trekking 2 night 3 days and 4 nights 5 days, that trekking entrance fee was collected to continue Taman Nasional conservation that operated by local people.

2. Waterfall & Discovery

This mountain has waterfall to see and visit as Kokoh putih waterfall is a beautiful place to relax from trekking and try to sink your body to the water, the local people believe that the water able to heal you from some disease.

Edelweiss is the name of beautiful flower that you will see in other place except Mountain Rinjani but do not ever you try to pick, local people forbidden to collect this flower during your trekking for memorial or any cause regarding with a lot of mystery inside, for the story that i hear some people will fighting until die to pick this flower, the flower is not a regular flower but the soul of mountain.

There are 3 caves you will find that Gua Susu, Gua Payung and Gua Manik that place are able for you to do deep meditation 

3. Explore flora and fauna

Indonesia is one of the biggest nation that has tropical forest, it supply much oxygen to the world especially from Rinjani Mountain.

During your exploration about Rinjani Mountain on the trek of the road you pass you may hear bird voices and any tropical green trees that very exciting.

4. Fishing

The local people perhaps visit Segara Anak Lake not only for praying on full moon but they come for fishing and take bath on Segara Anak Lake, they believe that the water will heal you from any disease on your body.

Upon arrival on Segara Anak Lake, fishing is the best choice to do there to find a different experience during your hard time, after trekking from feet to the summit, some of the trekker will stop on this lake for a night stay, build a tent to sleep, make a fire to keep the body warm.

How to go

It located on the north side of Lombok under Lombok Utara regency, it is around an hours from Tanjung the capital city of north Lombok to the north.

You need to spend almost three hours from Lombok International Airport to foot of Rinjani mountain to start for climbing time, sembalun and senaru are the first spot to start trekking for climb Rinjani mountain.

Senaru is located on the north Lombok, this place is a first choice for trekker who want to start climb from the north side, this place to cover the trekker who come from Gili Island, Bali and Senggigi Beach and sembalun is a part of east Lombok regency to cover the trekker which arrive from Kuta Lombok, it means that we have two choice to start your Rinjani trekking.

One thing to remind about food and drink to buy due to not much available on Rinjani mountain then you should prepared in advance or you can buy in Mataram before you leaves.

Some of the Rinjani trekking agency provide sleeping bag and porter to bring all of your stuff based on service to the client, and some agency will provide accommodation to stay including food service.

Where to stay

During trekking time you may sleep under tent but if just stay to enjoy the nature, there are 3 accomodation in tete batu which has 1 star hotel classification below :

1. Tete batu indah homestay
2. Wisma Soejono hotel
3. Les rezierea Lombok

The 3 homestay above have a standard facility and not big hotel in this area if you wish to stay with great facility.

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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