Friday, 18 December 2015


Lombok island located on the east side of Bali Island which very pupular with any kind of beach to visit and the huge Rinjani Mountain for trekking activity, the island with a thousand mosques the people call offer a new culture and great nature to show. 

However, Lombok is not so popular as Bali the nearest neighbor but this island promised the new destination area like Beach, Mountain and Shoping activity. The all of the richest destination need more promotion to the foreign and responsibility of Local people to keep and save. 

One of the biggest destination in Lombok  we call Rinjani Mountain trekking. It located on the North Lombok with 3.726 meter high and offer beautiful panorama on tropical green forest on side of Rinjani Mountain.

In the other side of Rinjani Mountain you may found a water spring (source of water) voice continue flow to the river that created a beautiful waterfall, from this i will show the best Lombok Waterfall : 

1. Sendang Gile Waterfall

It located on the North Lombok right on Senaru Village around 60 kilometers from Mataram the capital city of lombok, the trip spend quiet long due to the road type, climb up and curve that makes the driver carefully to control the speed and trick.

Upon arrival on this area,  a hundred stairs down waiting for your step down to the river where the sendang gile location is, it has 2 stairs waterfall from up to down, the spring water raise from the root of trees fall down to the small pool  to save and keep before continue flow the water fall to the river down.  For simple word we say 2 step waterfall.

2. Tiu Kelep waterfall

It location about 15 minutes from sendang gile waterfall to the up, it has a shallow river that possible for guest to take bath, swimming and enjoy the cool temperature, with good panorama around make it better choice to visit. Perhaps it has a beautiful rainbow shown on the middle of trees.

Based on Lombok history, the name of this waterfall come from the words "tiu" it means waterfall and Kelep "fly" it means the flying waterfall, why the name as same like that, it because of the purple of the water flying smoothly and created a beautiful rainbow when sun shine the water.

3. Tiu Teja

It located on Santong Village right to the forest in Santong, the road still natural and there not much people know where the right position of waterfall is it, the view still natural and the road was building for easier to reach that place.

This waterfall has branch waterfall in one spring water, it located around 30 minutes from Bangsal harbour to the north, if you want visit this place you should have a guide to find the right location due to the location was complicated and confusing.

4. Tiu Pupus

This waterfall located in the Gangga village North Lombok, Lombok island has hindu and budhist religion in North Lombok due to this reason why you can find same place based on hindu cultures, it located closest to capital city of north Lombok Tanjung make this place where the people can relax without spend long time in the car.

5. Benang Stokel waterfall

It located on the north side of central Lombok exactly in Pemotoh North Batukliang, if you visit thi place you need to pay of IDR 5.000,- per persons and they provide a guide at the rate 50.000,- reach this place take a long time after we drop our car and continue walk for 30 minutes to find the waterfall.

This place is the nearest waterfall from capital city of Central Lombok, the local people usually visit this waterfall during dry season to calm down their body and to load the body out of stress.

Here the Amazing Lombok Waterfall 

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eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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