Sunday, 6 March 2016


eni sulistiani
Pizza is one of the best italian food which you can find in some place around the world, pizza is a symbol of italian culinary together with spaghetti and pasta.

Italy is one of the most romantic country which popular with high class food products, as we know italy is one of the best country who make the best culinary with beat quality, here some of the best pizza restaurant in Gili Trawangan 

1. Pizzeria

Located on the middle of Gili Trawangan around 2 minutes from public Harbor to inland.
This place open start at 7.00 pm till 11.00 in the midnight, the pizza quality was proven by the most guests visit this place for pizza take way or eat in.

The chefs was bring from italy who is italian people well experts to produce pizza by hand manually and famous with wooden pizza in Gili Trawangan.

2. Little italy

This hotel has much place in Gili Trawangan, it used network marketing bu put all branch in all highest capacity spot to grab more and more customer.

It use oven to make a pizza, the taste was nice and easy reach, the easier place close to art market Gili Trawangan.

3. Coral Beach 

This one is a pioneer of pizza in Gili Trawangan, the location was so far from central, they are on the north side of Gili Trawangan with beach view restaurant.

The pizaa quality was so different, it keep original taste without any additional ingredients to make indigenous of pizaa, however, this place was fully sit with the customer to grab the wooden pizza.

Finally these are 3 the best pizza restaurant which may help you to dind better choice for pizza in Gili Trawangan.

Thursday, 3 March 2016


eni sulistiani
Sunrise is the best time when the world will say good morning to the all human, animal and the all in the earth.

To get the best sunrise in Gili Trawangan need a struggle to wake up in early morning, the usual time for sunrise around 05.30 until 06.00 am in the morning, the time more different than other mainland in Lombok due to the position on the middle of the sea, the sun light come straight to the gili without anything block the sunlight.

To reach Gili Trawangan Island from Lombok you can check Transport Lombok Airpot to Gili Trawangan

Actually the best side for sunrise on the east side of Gili Trawangan but we need the best spot to see sunrise without closing up by other gili like Gili meno, here the best place to see beatiful sunrise in Gili Trawangan :

Infront of Villa Grasia Resort 

This location most favorites for the guest to see sunrise with great location on the north aide of Gili Trawangan, sunrise strikes through this place instantly.

this place most visit by the guests who are reach the lonely place in planet and far from central area which make your holiday perfect.

To save the memorable sunrise you need a camera with most focus on one spot then you take a video from the first step of sun until rise on the top of Rinjani Mountain.

A tripod very need to set the video stop in one place then the sunrise will record very detail slowly.

Infront of coral beach restaurant 

Coral Beach is the best place to see sunset which the location on the corner of the northeast of Gili Trawangan.

The restaurant location right facing with the beach view and the beach has no trees stand infront just berugak as a place where the people can spend the time for diner or lunch.

Just a few minutes from central area which possible to reach by walk or bike ride and stop on this place.

These are the best place to see sunrise in Gili Trawangan, reach this place and find the best sunrise


eni sulistiani
Trawangan has many excellent thing to explore about, from sunset to sunrise, from land to under water. As we know that trawangan is one of the higher class of tourist destination in Lombok with almost a million people come and visit.

Just 90 minutes across from Bali to Lombok, Trawangan is closest place to reach from Bali Island. Here the best sunset point in Gili Trawangan :

1. Trawangan Hill

Trawangan is the only one of Gili island which has the hill with high around 30 meters, to see a beautiful sunset in high place is one of the best recommendation for you.

The hill located on the south west of Gili Trawangan and it has a stair to climb up to the top. Many kind of trees you will find on it and the japanese cave will be nice to explore it.
The hill was fully by rock on the edge side and being a camera with tripod for more focus, set the camera facing to Agung Mountain and track a better view which no one has before, it will make a new view actually that is your innovation which different with other.

Do not visit this place without use sleeper or shoes due to the place has a lot of little died wood and sharp rock these may hurt your naked feet.

2. Sunset Bar and Restaurant 

This bar located on the bottom of the hill with fully wooden material, actually this place was close due to the owner passed away long times ago then the restaurant was close but free using for visitor.

The location was so nice right on the Trawangan corner then the sunset facing to this restaurant.

The restaurant was made on the coral rock covered with wooden, the combination of the material make most natural then othe place.

You can focus your camera through sunset view with Gunung agung mountain as truly natural background. There are no something will block the sunset view then put your camera stright and push the botton finally keep the result as your great memorable sunset in Gili Trawangan.

You will not able to buy and drink any cocktail and mocktail also soft drink regarding with restaurant was close then bring anykind of drink to this place for easier to enjoy the time.

3. Ombak Sunset Hotel

This a high class hotel which located on the west side of Gili Trawangan right facing to Bali Island.

The music, cocktail and mocktail will accompany your rest time and the bean bed on the beach already serve for better rest.

This sunset point in Gili Trawangan most popular then other and always fully booked for table starting at 4.00 pm till 6.30 pm.

Just spend the time only 20 minutes ride bike from central area or horse cart ride then the place available for you all.

Finally, these are the best place you can catch the best sunset point in Gili Trawangan.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

ATM In Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
As a traveler they need a facility which can support holiday, ATM is one of the best public facility which most important for easier guest to take cash money.
You can imagine how hard to bring cash money during traveling with more that 10 different places.

Reach Gili Island by Fastboat to Gili Island 

To bring a card more secure than bring cash money although ATM charge bank fee every time you take money from it, here the place where you can find ATM in Gili Trawangan :

1. Aston Hotel ATM

This located on the west side of Gili Trawangan, there are manykind of local bank ATM have set in this hotel to cover all transactions of the guest who stay close to the hotel.
You can visit this ATM place if you stay in hotel below :

Aston Hotel
Ombak sunset hotel
Levirate hotel
Bali Beach hotel
Five elements villa
Desa Dunia Beda
Karma Kayak Hotel
Gili Palm Sunset
Pandawa Hotel

There are manykind of ATM you can find to help you to take cash like Mandiri, BRI, BNI and BII

2. Villa Ombak ATM

The ATM locations in villa ombak which the biggest 5 star hotel, this the closest ATM that you can reach about if you stay in some hotel close to like :
Villa ombak hotel
Scallywags hotel
Beach house hotel
Tir na nog hotel
Black penny hotel
Trawangan Cottage
Pondok Santi Hotel
Pearl of gili hotel
Kokomo hotel
Trawangan resort
Pink coco hotel

If you stay on these hotel you can find the closest ATM in Villa Ombak hotel which can be reach by walk in 2 minutes.
Thera are 3 kind of ATM you can find like Mandiri, BRI, BNI and BII.

3. Trawangan Hotel ATM

This hotel lovatel next to Art Market of Gili Trawangan or right infront of Trawangan Bridge, there are ATM there exclusive with bank office of Mandiri.

They serve Mandiri ATM only where you can take money cash for small transaction in Gili Island.

4. Public Harbour ATM

many ATM in Gili Trawangan mostly important thing that can help everybody to manage their money for cash payment, in the whole of Gili Trawangan you can find the closest point to take the money from ATM.

This ATM in Gili Trawangan located on public harbor if Gili Trawangan right behind it.
They serve BII ATM set on D'Harbour restaurant behind the harbour. ATM BNI and CIMB ATM, you can visit these ATM if you stay in hotel like :

Manta dive
Sama-sama regae bar
Coconut dream
Gili villas
Gili exotic villa
Lumbung Cottage
Villa Nero
And othe small bungalow which located behind the harbour.

4. Good heart ATM

It located on north side of Gili Trawangan around 10 minutes from Trawangan harbour, this is the closest ATM for you who stay in :
Villa Almarik 
Good heart 
Mango dive
Villa unggul 
Gili Palm hotel
These are all the specific location of ATM in Gili Trawangan, this information useful for you to find the closest ATM from the hotel where you stay.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

2 side that much contrary in Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
Back to the story, long time a ago Trawangan was a place where you can find a lot of coconut trees, this a place where the captives bring for plant a coconut trees and try the agriculture potentially for Gili Trawangan land this activity was held since the president Soeharto still lead Indonesia in 1985.

Now Trawangan was different than before, the tourism object was so promise it and a beautiful beach absolutely beautiful, this development was not balancing with the road conditions and social class of local people, those are not come together.

One side that infront of Gili Trawangan was fully with hotel and restaurant also infrastructure was built well to serve the guest arrival. 
The view of the beach was so perfect with clear blue water combined with white sandy beach everything was so amazing.

Trawangan was so fabulous island with the huge view from every step you walk, look around the whole island made a memorable experience.
To see the Trawangan from the beach side was so great, fully equipped with facilities and guest information. The only one of Gili has a hillside up to 30 meter where we can see a beautiful sunset.

Inland of Gili Trawangan, the situation was so contrary with beach front, the local people spend the time for cow farming and harvesting coconut trees, these are the indigenous local people activities instead of work for hotel and restaurant.

Let come inside to find the truth, all building need to manage better to attract the people come to see, the road was not manage carefully, you will find the rubbish manner never solve, overall think need to realize about, every people will think about economic and commercial effect then just equipped the beach front only without think about inland.

A natural view like garden view, green grass and coconut trees stay surrounding the inland and this situation generate fresh open air circulation with wind blow freely.

Many cows and lambs stay on the large garden and rice fields inside of Gili Trawangan, everybody will think that Trawangan is a modern land with high class life style but see inside to prove, what is the truth.

The modernization come through the people on the beach area but the local people of Gili Trawangan still keep the indigenous of life style, fishing, catching fish is one of daily activities. 

These are two different thing that most people do not know about that during traveling to Gili Trawangan.

3 Times most beautiful in Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
A long of your activity and journey in Gili Trawangan remain the tired body and boring schedule, but do you know what the time that most exciting ? Where the time can be call as exclusive time than other.

Trawangan is a small island just for holiday but what about for you in job or inspection, the time can be the same like in your home if you think always about the job, take rest and push your breath continued to walk out of your room. Here the best time that most spectacular in Gili Trawangan :

1. Morning Time

Some of the guest well very lazy to wake up in the morning time with a reason that they are on holiday not on job, this not all right cause it time to spying the sun rise on the mid of Rinjani Mountain. Step by step the sun born in up to shine the earth, give a light to the human and over all the environment.

Morning time which you can breath the best air with 100% of oxygen from nature as we know this island out of pollution, no car, no motorist system that can influence the air circulation, wake up early not always means wake up for duty but wake up for a bonus from nature.

2. Afternoon Time 

During the day all the people around Gili Trawangan has spend their time for island activities like snorkeling, diving, cycling, kayak, banana boat or fishing time. Now we come to the time for relax and see the beautiful sunset on the west side of Gili Trawangan.

You can spend the time by the hill, some restaurant or bar while taste the beautiful cocktail, sunset come down through agung mountain bali and splash the beautiful red colour on the sky, this a huge natural fenomena. A camera you need to catch the beautiful sunset.

3. The Night 

This is the time for life style, you will be shown the various guest costume die to the night is where the people can spend the time for fun, dating or dinner.

As we know that a lot of restaurant in Gili Trawangan serve anykind of food from western food to oriental food and everything come together on the central area of Gili Trawangan.

Some of the guest spend the time on the bar while watching big match and waiting for party night, the guest always take a party as a time to find a girl or boy to date, spend the time for fun

These are the most exclusive time that more important for you to stay in Gili Trawangan.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Tips while you stay in Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
Trawangan is a part of Lombok island with mostly people live under the tourism object income, the village of Gili Trawangan was covered by hotel around it although now the island was fully built with hotel and restaurant. 
During your stay in this island you should now a specific thing about local people how they communicate to the tourist, the quality of service, attitude and other aspect that may influence to your holiday experience.

Most of local people will meet everyday in everystep of the road and they own any tour company.

The people of Gili Trawangan hold the East-Side attitude like respect to older one by young man or pointing a something with right hand not with left hand even the foot.

Here some tips to make any adaptation in a place with indigenous attitude of Gili Trawangan :

First, Find hotel stay, Bargain the room cost if you require for stay longer than two or three days, in economic system this will be much different, if the people stay one night or stay 5 night they will has a different price each day. This system was acknowledged by the local people which familiar with Long Stay Discount, then you can do bargain with the price untill the last budget you have. 

Tell the people honestly how much your budget left, then they will offer a lower cost and consider the budget under hotel revenue but most of this tactic take a long time but better result.

Many of the bungalow owner has graduated in some hotel company then they will know more about cost and income through the hotel system.

Second, try to speak with indonesia or sasak language, just know one word the local people will proud to know it.
Based on my survey that take place in Gili Trawangan personally, most of the owner of big hotel able to speak indonesian language, they said that is the way they can understand what the people want and to know more about local people live style, most of the owner learn day to day about the language to approach the local people come close to.
What about we are on traveling, we do not have enough time to learn a language. 

Do not worry about, just to know a little pieces word which mostly using on daily conversation.

You know a little and local people will respect and more familiar to you than before then the price will go down slowly.

Third, where to eat in Gili Trawangan, one thing you should understand about the big hotel is not guarantee that they has a high quality product for food if you see from the hotel level. We recommend to do a little walk around the whole island, find a place where a lot of people reach about and waiting for order or fully booked, this can be a physical prove that the restaurant has nice food. It is a simple mindset that easy to understand.

Do not forget to ask the price before order cause some of the restaurant has additional tax service that not include the price and other was included, make sure about the price before get argument and disappointed.

Fourth, manykind of tour can be held in Gili Trawangan from under water until land cruise, find a tourist information were located on edge of the road, the people will offer you the highest price as welcoming price but do not shocked, there are no fixed price on this island then start bargain and find the last deal, if you think the price far from your budget and try to find other tourist information then you can compare the price which one marching to your cost.

Do not give up immediately before the price get the great reason, a bargain is a part of the travel game that you must win about, but if you lose your budget will not much expensed.

Fifth, hire any product, there are many informal rule was established in this island day by day and strongly hold by other local people, but bargain or negotiation can solve the problem to catch the customer. This most happen in low season.
The business community of Gili Trawangan has standard price that hold by the business man as a standard prive to hire their products to put fair competition but when the costumer lower the rule can break smoothly.

Another option if you hire more that 1 pieces or more than an hour you can do bargain until the last price and the man agree to take the price and this almost close to the target then make it deal.

Sixth, if you are an hoteliers you will be popular with the word compensation, you can set a compensation as your gun to shoot the hotel when they have problem dueing your stay. if you had any problem on your hotel stay especially in 3, 4 or 5 star, you can ask any compensation regarding to the problem happen during your stay like the air conditioner was not cold, the room not clean or other unexpected problem.

Compensation is one of the way the hotel protect their clients to get high rank on online booking to keep the rank on top level.

To day is the years where the traveller most using mobile application and easy internet acces, they will use the hotel or restaurant based on online review by the real man who stay at the same hotel, cause of that the hotel must keep the loyalty to the client.

The Last, horse cart cost this is the biggest problem that my client always ask about when they use this service. 
Before use the horse cart service ask for the price to the driver continue to check the price list infront of driver, it will explain anything.

Horse cart is the only one transport that able to load you and your luggage to the hotel, a driver can free charge the highest price on you although they break the rules price, the driver will not enough care about that. 

They think that the guest will come first and never back, this a strange thinking.

Remember, do not use the horse cart service before you ask the right price even lower then price list, i hope this tips can help you much during your stay in Gili Trawangan.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The best equipment you should bring to Gili Island on rainy season

eni sulistiani
The rainy season was a beautiful season that loved by farmer and other people after heating come through Gili Island, but rainy was blocked te guest activities and stop the beautiful sun shine the beautiful island although the rain was a great gift from the god to the human being. To protect yourself by this season you can prepare a something to cover your body from wet condition :

1. Rain Jacket 

This clothes was designed to cover your or other clothes from wet of rain, it made from plastic which design like a clothing for easy wearing.
This product was combined a jacket with pants also head cover and let the face open, easy, simple and stylish design. This product is suitable for outdoor activities on rainy season.

2. Umbrella 

This kind of products was available in some hotel with specific amenities like 3,4 or 5 star hotel in Gili Trawangan, a simple indonesian umbrella just put up to your head and go walk.

3. Torch or flashlight 

The rain remains a few water on the road and you need to see where you step going to, torch will help you to dind a better step for your dinner time.

Avoid use fastboat when rainy season

eni sulistiani
Fastboat is the fastest way to reach Gili Island with direct transfer from Padangbai to Gili Trawangan, they come with hig speed and luxury interior and high class facilities but what happen when rainy season. 

Rainy is a hard season to predict and hard wind to blow also the current unpredictable, on the water transport will find the hardest challenge when rainy season coming and they should anticipate about unpredictable manner during sailing.

Some of the reasons why we should avoid to use fastboat when rainy season ;

1. The water conditions with high waves

The wind and current has combined to make the unpredictable water conditions, this is a natural condition on the water but we should carefully. Raft and bumped will be come through the boat on the middle of the see and absolutely will spread the time to reach Gili Island.
A flight will be a better option when face rainy during your holiday in Gili Island.

2. Viewing 

The rain will block your view through out the other island this a same problem through the boat driver, they will focus not on what they seeing but focus on compass or GPS to recognise the location and the island to visit

3. The body effect 

The bad weather will affected to your body on traveling, the water conditions will force the boat hard work to break the waves and climb the raft, this conditions will decrease your body defensive during your holiday time.

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Gili Trawangan Weather

eni sulistiani
Gili Trawangan is a part of Lombok Island which located on North Lombok Regency, the entire all of indonesian archipelago has tropical land with two usual weather rainy season and dry season. 

Even Gili Trawangan is a land with high temperatures but still holding the indonesian territory, the season always change every couple of years due to weather and temperature influence, on 2016 all farmer in Lombok was shocked when they have no rain until last of November to welcoming the rainy season, but the rain come through on middle of January, every each farmer predicted that those are the global warming effect, the seasons will come roll up every each year.

This seasons mostly influence to the quantity of tourists visit Gili Trawangan  sue to weather issue, but this a normally seasons then the guest will easily to predict but some of traveller still stick the planning without check the weather option.

One of the most different weather in Gili Trawangan that the rainy seasons just 3 months and the other is dry seasons, during 3 years shortly the weather always 3:9 this is because of the wind direction and small size of Gilis. And the other thing, mostly the rain come through afternoon and night time when the guest finish the day activities then this a good benefits for a people who stay in hotel, they have time to barking the sun, snorkeling activities, look around the island by bike and see more exciting place in Gilis.

Believe or not this actually happen in this island, for 2016 the rainy was started on the middle of January and let see when the rainy season will stop. 

A Fantastic Reason to choose Blue Water Fastboat Service as transportto Gili

eni sulistiani
The huge competition through fastboat company to assist the guest transfer from bali to gili and contrary, the competition was crowded from the price and the service also the spacious place. 

Although the other company boost their promotion by online and offline but they actually forgot about reputation and service quality although they have bigger fastboat than Blue Water Express, here we embedded the fantastic teason to choose BWS : 

1. The pioneer of fastboat Company 

as the pioneers they will now more about the condition and environmental also what the guest needed during sailing by boat, professionalism come through this company.

Starting on 2009 this company was operated where there is no one fastboat provide direct transfer from Bali to Gili Trawangan, they build a connection and sales marketing from zero to hero, presented the new service, benefits and build a trust from the client to believe that the fastboat work safe and comfortable, the entire all of struggle have been paid bay now the people most chosen this company as trusted fastboat company.

2. Best service 

One of the best fastboat that provide the helpful porter to bring your luggage to ship, actually in Serangan or Padangbai they have a waiting hall to make registration and take complement like coffe and tea as a part of their service.

On sailing process we will be accompanied by the music and professional staff to explain the route and weather conditions also a cool water and fresh towel well provide it.

3. Hard to find a sit

A limited product has better quality this a motto of marketing, as we know that very hard to find a sit through this company due to the people most booking this fastboat as the best choice.

Most of travel agents trust this company to bring their clients with safe and comfortable sailing even low season this boat hard to book cause of fully booked.

4. A solid database

It has a great database to sort the booking from one years ago or other period, why database has an effect to the guest ? Some of other company forget the oldest booking and usually release it from their reports.

You may find some of the guest complain abou the transfer or miss pick up, this an usual problem that the fastboat doing but not with blue water express.

5. On time 

This fastboat well orgenized through departure and pick up service, they alway has on time duty and if has any delay , the fastboat company inform in advance. This a helpful information for the client to get right information through sailing servic

Tips to choose hotel stay in Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
As the biggest island between three Gili make trawangan as te biggest destinaton in Lombok with many hotel choice from bungalow to five star hotel, every each hotel offer the best price and facilities to enjoy. How can we choose the hotel in Gili trawangan that all have a special offer which very attractive to take about, here the tips to chose hotel stay. 

1. Make sure your holiday for

There are manykind of the hotel in Gili trawangan and now the time for you to decide which one the hotel suitable for you, if you are honeymoon couple that very interested with place that far from busy, noisy and activities you mau choose Villa Grasia Resort and Spa, Desa Dunia Beda or Jambu luwuk the three hotel location on the north side of Gili Trawangan with far Location and you will think like you stay on small town and need 20 minutes to reach city area.

If you are young and need more party and entertaining you can choose one of this hotel to stay Villa Ombak, Almarik or Horizontal you can reach the central area by walk in 5 minutes, the hotel that we recommend it are up to 3 star hotel facilities, you do not to worry about facilities, service and the price actually suitable with the hotel quality. 

Finally if you come with big family group you may choose some private villa to stay like home with private pool, kitchenette and bar, we recommend Kelapa Villa, Les Villa ottalia and Gili Eco Villa the entire villa has a personal design and attractive facilities for guest stay.

2. How much the budget you have

As so manykind of hotel with multi class make the people confuse what the beat hotel to stay depend on my limited  budget, here the hotel specification through the budget to expense : 

If you have budget around 100.000 to 200.000,- you can the accomodation close to central area which located behind the harbor of Gili trawangan, the place like Permata homestay, banana leaf homestay and broken compass.

For medium budget around 300.000 to 500.000,- you will find a medium class of homestay with air conditioning and large room sized including breakfast, here the bungalows Manta dive bungalows, coconut trees and warna homestay you van find a special discount for low season up to 30% on booking.com

High class budget, this will move up to the 4 star to the dive star hotel for the best service and quality service, we really recommend villa ombak, horizontal, almarik, ombak sunset and aston sunset as your the best choice, those hotel have the best hospitallity record to serve the best performance, service and pricey, especially for booking via booking.com you will get 10% as member of booking.com customers and thise hotel always put the best deal up to 50% discount through the best online booking that booking.com

3. Stay on low season to save the cost

If you want get better deal with price much lower than peak season, please come through low season around February, March, April, May, November and October those are the best deal you can get, the price will break down until 75% than high season cost. 

A secret "a hotel will fully the operational cost by sell the hotel room as much they can due to the operational always grab the money from hotel pocket"

4. Direct booking 

This type of booking not valid when peak season but low season well function due to the hotel need to collect the money without pay any commission to the online booking, online booking set 15% till 20% commission foe each nigh reserved and if you can do direct booking the bargain well needed to get the real price after decrease by online commission. That the benefits that we get from direct booking.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Villa Ombak Hotel Facilities

eni sulistiani
Villa Ombak Hotel Facilities

One of the biggest hotel in Gili Trawangan with five star international standard facilities offered the best 7 kind of the rooms and indoor and outdoor facilities with awesome service of the  staff. 
There are many facilities to support their selling products and improve the monthly incomes as a hospitality business, the location was not so far from central area reachable by walk that was a points to choose this hotel. 

With the biggest hotel in the island that possible to decide our choice as travel destination, the facility was covered by standard five star and also the management will be solid and customer service will be a priority, as we know customers service is the soul of the hotel to boost their selling. Much of the hotel as bungalow or home stay has good customer service although the facilities and the room was much lower then five star hotel. 

Below are the facilities of Villa Ombak Hotel to be a reason why to choose this hotel : 

The Beach

The longest beach side right infront of the hotel around 200 meters with lounge chairs, the beach front right facing to Lombok island serve the best beach view and shown the Lombok Hill on North Side of Lombok.
Become to stay there the mountain of Rinajani with 3.726 meter is a great view on beach side of Villa Ombah on the northeast to view. 


The high class room facilities was provided a bathtub especially on Private Villa room kind, this interior room facilities serve the luxury hotel and high class life style. The staff well provided a flowers through the bathtub everyday as a part of hotel service. 


As the biggest hotel in Gili Trawangan this hotel was inspired by the local people medical claims of the island that was so far from main land, the people try to find the closest clinic in Gili Trawangan and hotel villa ombak tried to provide a clinic to cover the healthy care especially for the staff and generally for Gili Trawangan people. It a pioneer of healthy service in Gili Trawangan to serve you for buying medicine, daily check up, and other else.

Swimming pool 

Public swimming pool was provided infront of hotel for outdoor facilities with big sized to load the guest staying and private swimming located right infront of the villa Ombak private villa, this facilities was contributed just for the guest staying on private villa hotel.

Bar and restaurant 

Villa ombak has 2 restaurants that located on the beach side and garden side restaurant, the both restaurants has towards guest intention, for some guest who wanna get breeze from outside treatment and fell the beach wind blow slowly they will come through the beach restaurant but aome of the guest need more privacy of their stay, the garden restaurant was a better choices to visit. 


The first ATM facilities was built on that place, villa ombak has big contribution to make Gili Trawangan as a perfect island with complete island facilities, as we know a thousand of guest come through this island and every each person need cash money for a small hotel transactions and paying a small bill. This facilities very useful although it provides a national bank of indonesia. 

The giant chest 

To make it your holidays fun, Villa Ombak provide the giant chest board on the garden side area around 2 meters from public swimming pool. Some of the guest interesting to play the big chest board although they need their power to step up the chest games.

Water sport

There are many water spot to offer by this hotel like banana boat for a family or couple water sports, the water conditions was calm and no waves that suitable to appear the better games for the guest. 
Sky walk is a new water sports that villa ombak has, a great experience for you when your feet push up by the machine and your body seems to be on the sky. Imagine this water sports come to make your holidays fun.

Fastboat facilities 

Villa ombak has tried to spread their business come through transportation service that call ombak group fastboat this a good news for the people staying in villa Ombak, if the hotel has a facilities for transportation this is the way the hotel improve and promote their products through the guest with any kind of deals. 

Massages and Spa

Relaxing and enjoying are the guest wanna to do, by spa and massage Villa Ombak make the guest feel like home, the perfect facilities and huge body treatments woow everything look so fabolous. Any kind of massage and spa to offer like balinese massage, ayurvedic massages, body scrub, stress releasing massage and aromatherapy massage. For spa they has medicure or pedicure and other else.

Warung Bule

One of the simple traditional lombok restaurant that we call Warung, this is a prove that villa ombak try to known and bring a traditional lombok restaurant be a great hotel icon, this location was isolated from the main villa ombak hotel, the location on the south side of villa ombak. 


Villa Ombak has manifested the Lombok traditional home Lumbung through the hotel architecture, to combine the both side effects from traditional to modernity combine in a product share the best combination, outside view was so traditional but the indoors facilities was moderated. 

This the biggest hotel facilities that maybe a big reason to choose this hotel stay.

Sade Village Lombok

eni sulistiani
A traditional home lombok that call Lumbung was protected and keep the indigenous in this small village, to keep the indigenous and origin of the sasak tradition is a part of the soul of the people on that place under the pressure of modernity come through the people staying there. The people was isolated from the people around due to the people isolated theirselves from outside effect. 

The Location 

The sade village was located on the Pujut Regency Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara around 10 minutes from Lombok International Airport or 30 kilometers from the Capital City of Lombok Mataram. The location on the Main Street with big sign fir easy reach.

this village is the oldest traditional lombok village that hold the traditional lombok home, lifestyle, association and other kind of primitive life. It protected by the government as a travel destination historical, the contributions of government was shown by the road and the promotion through it.

The people 

The people still hold the naturalist ti be a part of their life, the young man and the leader of home still shown his efforts to feed the family and kids to be a farmers with own rice field or a daily farmers, everything was so beautiful when husband back home to come over with family.

The woman spend the days with weaving songket at home with natural equipment and continue sell the product through the guest or put on some art gallery, a piece of songket take up to one week process before the product ready to sell, another thing that the guest most interesting with natural songket than modern sue to difficultness and the charming of the songket design based naturality life. 

The home

The material was made from anykind of wooden that shown on rice fields and the man come to pick them up as an alternative material, however the wooden cover the entire home to keep them standing properly.

The roof was made from alang-alang,  a kind of grass with long body up to one meter and has edge sharp then we need take it them carefully, this kind of grass most find out in rice fields, they ready use the alang- alang when it has dry on sun for two days until green colour change to be yellow then collected in one group for stronger holding one to each other. 

The floor was made from selected ground which not much mineral inside taht same to be the ground where they life, strong ground and hard to  break.

The life

Everybody life in a community with a village leader to obey the command, the life was isolated from modernist effect and pressure, keep the typical life from their grandma that be a better choice.
This kind of primitive life was protected by regional government as a Lombok culture.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Desa Dunia Beda Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
Desa dunia beda hotel is one of the Gili Trawangan hotel which bring traditional concept originally, based on our traditional java home design that popular call Rumah Joglo, a traditional concept was bring through this hotel. 


It located on the north side of Gili Trawangan around 15 minutes from Gili Trawangan harbour by horse cart, it has a private beach front completely with sun decks to serve. All the room was separated by the grass field with green view each room and this is most privacy than other hotel. 

Far from the central area where the people most doing activities and isolated from modernity pressure make your dream holiday come true, a quietest place combined with natural building also sea view that will be a private holiday no compare. 


The classical design and view was bring us to a primitive life far from modernity pressure with high end building products, other side that we can take that  this concept was eco friendly system it using wooden material without any chemical involved to the hotel building. 

Swimming pool 

A longest swimming pool was provided right infront with salt water covered with wooden floor on sun decks side.
The swimming pool is the best place to barking on the sun sight come through the swimming pool area. 

The beach

White sandy beach located right infront of the property, the beach spread long served with lounge chair and umbrella for barking the sun, based on the honour that this hotel get from tripadvisor it makes the hospitallity business grow up, here the certification below :

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Leaving Gili Trawangan on 17 January 2016

eni sulistiani
The hottest day on the small island walking on the sun shine road fron north to the central was maked my skin burn in under the 27 degrees, the sandy was shine to my eyesight then i need a sun glasses to block crazy hot. 

By the ticket on public boat office right infront of central areas around 15.000 rupiahs continue to wait another passenger to buy the tickets for fully 40 passengers on the boat, need a litte time to grab the boat soon due to the time was 12.30 pm, the time when the people of workers back to lombok after finished the one day shift.

The time well recommended to get better time for leave frim Gili Trawangan and do not waiting much time for boat departure, as i know that public boat was running depends to quantity of passengers they do not have any schedule time, they work from 07.00 am to 05.00 pm woow was longer than i think. 

Continue i grab the public boat under name fajar pagi, that was so amazing that the people come on board with, lot of space and the water conditions was so slim it same like that i can do swimming a lot, do not wanna to leave the island but my time was punish me out of there. 

On the boat i just sitting down see look aroun while talking with boat driver with friendly smile to stir the boat for a better ways to drive, along the way everything was so quiet but sometimes the boat shock me out when they crash a little wave infront and they make a little dancing to the left and right, special features boat dancing. 

By the public boat view i can see a little island of meno and other side island air, the boat island look so pretty much with white Sandy beach bloody shine up to my eyesight. 

Rinjani mountain was standing alone of my eyes with the top side of Lombok, blocked by cloudy and black shadow that maked more mysterious, hide a challenge, explores the route. Rinjani mountain was so green from the boat side glamorous with white cloud on the toproof. 

Senggigi hill overview by the green trees sorrounding and serve a beautiful scenery, 5 minutes before i got the bangsal harbour, the boat driver turn the stir to the backside to find a way to landing and finish accross the sea. 

A manual stir make the driver look hand free and most professional although the manual drive harder than automatic. 

Arrived on bangsal, get out feom the boat by passing a little stair to the boarding place in Lombok, one by one the people come out the boat slowly and carefully to avoid wet and protect themselves from fall down to the water. 

The bangsal harbour porter was waiting before we landing to bring the stuff from the boat to the land and ready bring to the car, unfortunately do not leaves your bag due to the man will bring it for you and asking for the money, bring by your self save the money and out of any argued with local people. 

By the bangsal harbour i try to find a taxi to take me to the LOMBOK international airport, before i got the better price i try to bargain until the price come to 300.000 rupiah that suitable for my budget, finally we got agreement for the price that i want it.

Spend around 1,5 hour from bangsal to international airport was make me sleep on the car during the time is over, finally airport was infront, bring out my luggage and register for check in cone through the office of Garuda Airline one of the best flight un indonesia, it was a part VIP flight in Indonesia. And good bye the beautiful Lombok and Gili Trawangan 

Saturday, 16 January 2016

The Reason to choose villa ombak hotel

eni sulistiani
Villa ombak is a pioneer of international 5 star hotel standard that located 10 minutes from Gili Trawangan harbour, it hotel most choose by travellers for the best holiday park facility. As the biggest hotel in Gili Trawangan that suitable to organise any big ceremony with long beachfront locations, parhaps the people come and visit this hotel for reunion or party staff due to land area enough to handle a thousand people. 

Any other aspects can be supported this place to be the best choice for Gili Trawangan hotel, now this hotel was add any clinical facility and diving, it has much kind of room to choose with the five star hotel facility depends to your travel destination, below are the best five reasons to choose villa ombak as your best holiday park in Gili Trawangan: 

1. Facility 

Villa ombak has a complete hotel facility to offer for guest better stay, prepared all kind of room facility like :
Air conditioning room, 
Hair dryer, 
Bath tubes 
Swimming pool
Small hut
Tv cabels
Safety box
Delivery afternoon tea for private villa
Open air living area
Semi open bathroom 
Overall facility was in, another hotel facility well update every years depends to digital technology improvement to provide a luxurious to the clients. 

As a big 5 star hotel, the costumer will think twice for their management inside, everything well organised under team work and all the staff will provide everything professionally. 

2. Multy choice 

Villa ombak has 7 kind of room with different price and kind each this can be help travellers to find the best room choice for a family to a couple or common to privacy, everything was available. 
Different than other private villa, this hotel provide private villa with truly five star facilities

Every each travellers would like to get better staying at the hotel then they need a specific hotel class to choose to avoid any disappointed when arrived at the hotel and see the hotel look like, the facility and then quality of service.
Villa ombak promised the luxury hotel stay with 2 big restaurant and swimming pool.

3. Location

It can be call the location is semi central it mean not much island activities but not so calm, you need go spend 10 minutes ride from harbour to villa ombak by bike, a central area located around 1 kilometres to the north side of Gili Trawangan. 

The location infront of the beach although they do not have the room with beach view but the beach provide for barking the sun and fully equipped with deck Nd lounge chair facing to rinjani mountain and lombok great view. 

4. Cheapest Price

For the hotel five star quality this hotel v
Can Approach the price until a million rupiah in a night, this surprise! This price will be valid for low season condition, a new trick of hotel marketing that i know. The hotel will try to increase capacity promoting to improve hotel income. Low season will be a high speculation for a hotel to try the best deal to the customer.
If you want get a better price for your stay, you can visit this hotel on low season (October, November, February, March, April) for medium season you can find variety price ( September, May and June) and for peak season the price will reach the highest ranking due to the room request over.

5. Lumbung architecture 

As one of traditional Lombok home inspired, villa Ombak try to perform the best Lumbung home design, it mixture a traditional design featuring modern interior, the design try to combine a traditional architecture that still survive from modernisation pressure architecture.
Villa ombak hotel perform the best hotel concept that brings indigenous home sasak Lumbung to be the hotel icon also to acknowledge about lombok culture via traditional Lumbung. 

Actually the architecture was not give a strong effect to the travellers but the design most pointed for presenting the Lombok Culture to the international worldwide. A small thing that travellers see that will be a big attractive to know about the story behind that.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Villa Ombak Hotel Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
The Villa Ombak Hotel was located in Gili Trawangan Island around 20 minutes from Harbor of Gili T, one of the biggest five star hotel in Gili Terawangan and the pioneer of hotel in the Gili island.
This hotel has a beautiful beach right facing with Lombok island.
It has more than hundreds room to offer with a beautiful location and 200 meters long beach view infront. The beach view  right facing with Rinjani Mountain view.

The Rooms 

The room was inspired by the Lombok home design with modern facilities, this property combined traditional and modern design architecture in one building decorations, as we know that lombok has traditional Rumah Lumbung that you can show that in Sade Village South Lombok Kuta but it still indigenous with natural wooden made and ground floor also covered by reed alang-alang as roof the all products has taken from nature. 
Villa Ombak was combined a traditional and modern come and walk together to be a new building architecture. 
There 7 kind of room they has 

1. Superior Lumbung Terrace 

This kind of room has designed with lumbung roof completely spacious terrace garden view, relax and enjoying barking the sun by hotel terrace that very perfect stay, the room location was isolated from other room hotel that make it much privacy.
The roof style was designed as Lumbung roof but it covered with wooden roof also the international hotel five star standard facility provide in the room.
The room price around 100 USD for low season. 

There are two choices for this kind of room twin room and double room exterior was covered with traditional Lumbung but interior was complex high end hotel facility, the ceiling was covered with white colour wood to hide the Lumbung acces. It has suit bathroom and not possible to accommodate an extra bed, please not that this has a private terrace.
Large double well set in the room for better sleep.
Room sized : 43 m2

2. Traditional Lumbung Hut

A traditional lumbung roof hut with garden view room completely with outdoor bathroom and private. This room not possible to accommodate an extra bed.
Open air living room stay on the bottom of the room separately and small hut berugak well set close to living area for additional relaxation and enjoyable stay.
Large double bed set on the room to give more space.
Room size : 48 m2 

3. Deluxe Terrace Room

The modern room interior was combined with simple indonesia amenities for facility, a tropical garden right facing to this room.
The room allow to add extra kid staying in the room and the bed used standard double bed. This kind or can be call a simple minimalize room that set with standard size of the room.
Room size : 32 m2 

4. Deluxe Ombak Room

A spacious room that combines a large double bead and a sofa bed set on the room corner, semi open bathroom was so favourite to take bath while feeling the wind blows from the open roof side.
A small garden put on the corner as a room view side. 

Room size : 58 m2 
The room are possible to put additional bed for an adult.

5. Family deluxe room 

A special room that provides for a family holiday with  two kids, a spacious room set a better place for kid to make a little step around. 

The best was designed with one extra double bed and a sofa bed right on the edge of the room, it completely with safety box and TV channel.
Room size : 62 m2.

6. One Bed room villa

A huge private villa was established to fully the guest required which need more privacy, a private swimming set in the right side of villa for additional view.

Open air living room and deck also a kitchenette make your stay seems like at home, every necessary was provide without asking before. 
Room size : 31 m2 

7. Two bedroom villa 

A private villa make villa Ombak aa one of multi room to sell based on necesarry, this completely perfect hotel to stay and relax. One extra large double bed for 2 adult and kid was set in this villa and a sofa bes for enjoying the time even in the room side.

Kitchenette and open air living room was be outside facility also a private pool combined with sun deck positioned infront of pool area, privacy is one thing that the client choose this kind of room.
A bath tube was amazing facility that has fully decorated with flowers on the water and refill once a day.

The all room kind that villa ombak sale, it has monthly record for the best seller products that can be a standard to measure the point to improve the promotion products for better revenue next years. 

Some of hotel villa ombak facility that support to the guest stay generally : 

1. Tv cable
2. Hair dryer 
3. Cable tv
4. Slippers 
5. Wardrobe 
6. Safety box
7. Minibar
8. Electric kettle 

Restaurant and Bar

Villa Ombak has a large big restaurant right infront of the hotel on the beach side, it was established in 200 meters beach. The restaurant was set for buffet or ala cart to serve diners, lunches also breakfast. 
Indonesia, western and seafood is the best main food in this villa

Hotel contacts 

Villa ombak 
Jalan raya Pemenang Desa Gili Indah Dusun Gili Trawangan lombok indonesia 
Telp : 0370 6142336
Fax : 0370 6142337
Email : info@vilaombakhotel.com
Website: www.vilaombakhotel.com