The best equipment you should bring to Gili Island on rainy season | LOMBOK SOCIETY

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

The best equipment you should bring to Gili Island on rainy season

The rainy season was a beautiful season that loved by farmer and other people after heating come through Gili Island, but rainy was blocked te guest activities and stop the beautiful sun shine the beautiful island although the rain was a great gift from the god to the human being. To protect yourself by this season you can prepare a something to cover your body from wet condition :

1. Rain Jacket 

This clothes was designed to cover your or other clothes from wet of rain, it made from plastic which design like a clothing for easy wearing.
This product was combined a jacket with pants also head cover and let the face open, easy, simple and stylish design. This product is suitable for outdoor activities on rainy season.

2. Umbrella 

This kind of products was available in some hotel with specific amenities like 3,4 or 5 star hotel in Gili Trawangan, a simple indonesian umbrella just put up to your head and go walk.

3. Torch or flashlight 

The rain remains a few water on the road and you need to see where you step going to, torch will help you to dind a better step for your dinner time.

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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