Sunday, 6 March 2016


eni sulistiani
Pizza is one of the best italian food which you can find in some place around the world, pizza is a symbol of italian culinary together with spaghetti and pasta.

Italy is one of the most romantic country which popular with high class food products, as we know italy is one of the best country who make the best culinary with beat quality, here some of the best pizza restaurant in Gili Trawangan 

1. Pizzeria

Located on the middle of Gili Trawangan around 2 minutes from public Harbor to inland.
This place open start at 7.00 pm till 11.00 in the midnight, the pizza quality was proven by the most guests visit this place for pizza take way or eat in.

The chefs was bring from italy who is italian people well experts to produce pizza by hand manually and famous with wooden pizza in Gili Trawangan.

2. Little italy

This hotel has much place in Gili Trawangan, it used network marketing bu put all branch in all highest capacity spot to grab more and more customer.

It use oven to make a pizza, the taste was nice and easy reach, the easier place close to art market Gili Trawangan.

3. Coral Beach 

This one is a pioneer of pizza in Gili Trawangan, the location was so far from central, they are on the north side of Gili Trawangan with beach view restaurant.

The pizaa quality was so different, it keep original taste without any additional ingredients to make indigenous of pizaa, however, this place was fully sit with the customer to grab the wooden pizza.

Finally these are 3 the best pizza restaurant which may help you to dind better choice for pizza in Gili Trawangan.

Thursday, 3 March 2016


eni sulistiani
Sunrise is the best time when the world will say good morning to the all human, animal and the all in the earth.

To get the best sunrise in Gili Trawangan need a struggle to wake up in early morning, the usual time for sunrise around 05.30 until 06.00 am in the morning, the time more different than other mainland in Lombok due to the position on the middle of the sea, the sun light come straight to the gili without anything block the sunlight.

To reach Gili Trawangan Island from Lombok you can check Transport Lombok Airpot to Gili Trawangan

Actually the best side for sunrise on the east side of Gili Trawangan but we need the best spot to see sunrise without closing up by other gili like Gili meno, here the best place to see beatiful sunrise in Gili Trawangan :

Infront of Villa Grasia Resort 

This location most favorites for the guest to see sunrise with great location on the north aide of Gili Trawangan, sunrise strikes through this place instantly.

this place most visit by the guests who are reach the lonely place in planet and far from central area which make your holiday perfect.

To save the memorable sunrise you need a camera with most focus on one spot then you take a video from the first step of sun until rise on the top of Rinjani Mountain.

A tripod very need to set the video stop in one place then the sunrise will record very detail slowly.

Infront of coral beach restaurant 

Coral Beach is the best place to see sunset which the location on the corner of the northeast of Gili Trawangan.

The restaurant location right facing with the beach view and the beach has no trees stand infront just berugak as a place where the people can spend the time for diner or lunch.

Just a few minutes from central area which possible to reach by walk or bike ride and stop on this place.

These are the best place to see sunrise in Gili Trawangan, reach this place and find the best sunrise


eni sulistiani
Trawangan has many excellent thing to explore about, from sunset to sunrise, from land to under water. As we know that trawangan is one of the higher class of tourist destination in Lombok with almost a million people come and visit.

Just 90 minutes across from Bali to Lombok, Trawangan is closest place to reach from Bali Island. Here the best sunset point in Gili Trawangan :

1. Trawangan Hill

Trawangan is the only one of Gili island which has the hill with high around 30 meters, to see a beautiful sunset in high place is one of the best recommendation for you.

The hill located on the south west of Gili Trawangan and it has a stair to climb up to the top. Many kind of trees you will find on it and the japanese cave will be nice to explore it.
The hill was fully by rock on the edge side and being a camera with tripod for more focus, set the camera facing to Agung Mountain and track a better view which no one has before, it will make a new view actually that is your innovation which different with other.

Do not visit this place without use sleeper or shoes due to the place has a lot of little died wood and sharp rock these may hurt your naked feet.

2. Sunset Bar and Restaurant 

This bar located on the bottom of the hill with fully wooden material, actually this place was close due to the owner passed away long times ago then the restaurant was close but free using for visitor.

The location was so nice right on the Trawangan corner then the sunset facing to this restaurant.

The restaurant was made on the coral rock covered with wooden, the combination of the material make most natural then othe place.

You can focus your camera through sunset view with Gunung agung mountain as truly natural background. There are no something will block the sunset view then put your camera stright and push the botton finally keep the result as your great memorable sunset in Gili Trawangan.

You will not able to buy and drink any cocktail and mocktail also soft drink regarding with restaurant was close then bring anykind of drink to this place for easier to enjoy the time.

3. Ombak Sunset Hotel

This a high class hotel which located on the west side of Gili Trawangan right facing to Bali Island.

The music, cocktail and mocktail will accompany your rest time and the bean bed on the beach already serve for better rest.

This sunset point in Gili Trawangan most popular then other and always fully booked for table starting at 4.00 pm till 6.30 pm.

Just spend the time only 20 minutes ride bike from central area or horse cart ride then the place available for you all.

Finally, these are the best place you can catch the best sunset point in Gili Trawangan.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

ATM In Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
As a traveler they need a facility which can support holiday, ATM is one of the best public facility which most important for easier guest to take cash money.
You can imagine how hard to bring cash money during traveling with more that 10 different places.

Reach Gili Island by Fastboat to Gili Island 

To bring a card more secure than bring cash money although ATM charge bank fee every time you take money from it, here the place where you can find ATM in Gili Trawangan :

1. Aston Hotel ATM

This located on the west side of Gili Trawangan, there are manykind of local bank ATM have set in this hotel to cover all transactions of the guest who stay close to the hotel.
You can visit this ATM place if you stay in hotel below :

Aston Hotel
Ombak sunset hotel
Levirate hotel
Bali Beach hotel
Five elements villa
Desa Dunia Beda
Karma Kayak Hotel
Gili Palm Sunset
Pandawa Hotel

There are manykind of ATM you can find to help you to take cash like Mandiri, BRI, BNI and BII

2. Villa Ombak ATM

The ATM locations in villa ombak which the biggest 5 star hotel, this the closest ATM that you can reach about if you stay in some hotel close to like :
Villa ombak hotel
Scallywags hotel
Beach house hotel
Tir na nog hotel
Black penny hotel
Trawangan Cottage
Pondok Santi Hotel
Pearl of gili hotel
Kokomo hotel
Trawangan resort
Pink coco hotel

If you stay on these hotel you can find the closest ATM in Villa Ombak hotel which can be reach by walk in 2 minutes.
Thera are 3 kind of ATM you can find like Mandiri, BRI, BNI and BII.

3. Trawangan Hotel ATM

This hotel lovatel next to Art Market of Gili Trawangan or right infront of Trawangan Bridge, there are ATM there exclusive with bank office of Mandiri.

They serve Mandiri ATM only where you can take money cash for small transaction in Gili Island.

4. Public Harbour ATM

many ATM in Gili Trawangan mostly important thing that can help everybody to manage their money for cash payment, in the whole of Gili Trawangan you can find the closest point to take the money from ATM.

This ATM in Gili Trawangan located on public harbor if Gili Trawangan right behind it.
They serve BII ATM set on D'Harbour restaurant behind the harbour. ATM BNI and CIMB ATM, you can visit these ATM if you stay in hotel like :

Manta dive
Sama-sama regae bar
Coconut dream
Gili villas
Gili exotic villa
Lumbung Cottage
Villa Nero
And othe small bungalow which located behind the harbour.

4. Good heart ATM

It located on north side of Gili Trawangan around 10 minutes from Trawangan harbour, this is the closest ATM for you who stay in :
Villa Almarik 
Good heart 
Mango dive
Villa unggul 
Gili Palm hotel
These are all the specific location of ATM in Gili Trawangan, this information useful for you to find the closest ATM from the hotel where you stay.