Sunday, 26 November 2017


Ggili Trawangan swing, gili trawangan swing, gili trawangan swing, gili trawangan swings

Trawangan swings was a viral photo shoot in social media, especially Instagram, there are many thing to do in this island then other from Snorkeling, Diving, Lounge, Dinner by the beach and catching beautiful sunset in paradise.

Non- motorized island still holding tightly by this island for keep moving to be always the best island destination. 

Everybody who are doing traveling need a camera or smartphone to  memorize the moment by catching place in a smartphone they hold on hand, the beautiful moment will catch and post to Instagram, every best moment every friend will interest and prepare the question, where this picture take a place ? 

Trawangan Swings was a symbol of Trawangan, then here the 3 Trawangan swings which the place are post on Instagram : 

1. Ombak Sunset Swings 

Ombak Sunset is one of the biggest hotel in Gili Trawangan which located on the west side of Gili Trawangan under the sunset point. 
Ombak sunset hotel in one of the pioneer of idea to build sunset swing which go viral on the social media and Instagram, the swing was so beautiful for sunset backround or pre wedding like the hotel do it. 

To reach this place just 20 minutes walk from central area Gili Trawangan, or 10 minutes by horse cart or bicycle.

2. Pandawa Hotel Swing

Pandawa Hotel Swing located on the north side of Gili Trawangan right after Ombak Sunset and Aston sunset hotel. 
The Pandawa hotel was build on 2017 and now ready to operate, they have long beautiful beach with Javanese hotel architecture. the swing was so natural, not much design to observe around the swing although use a couple of swing. 
The beautiful swing with leafs on the top

3. The Exile Swing 

The last one is another kind of swing come together with hammock which located on the west side of Gili Trawangan facing with Mount Agung - Bali. 
The exile swing serve music during sunset with bonggo music ala Reggae, while you order some drink you may sit under the trees and enjoy the huge music instrument. 
As we know the exile is a name of small wooden bungalows.

Now, it time for you to chose which the best swing you may chose for your photo shoot for holidays moment in Gili Trawangan.

Another extra new swing you can find in Pink Coco hotel where you can see the pink hotel background.

This was built to cover the swing and completely the hotel view

The Gili Trawangan Swings is a symbol of the place where you are, what for ?

Social approved is kind of the traveling symbol to share in social media, how can this happen.

as we know for a long time a go the the classical marketing was made by mouth to mouth until now still hold the best marketing way, but starting the smartphone boost the communication effect, everything change every people need social approved that they have been visit that place not the only to memorize the holiday but mainly to get social approved.

Gili Trawangan swing as report for  2017 have been build 3 swings and one another new, we just classified the place to recognize the report as new update.

The content will be always update every single change and new building event.

What the best time you can use swing ?

The best time you can visit the place at sunset time starting 05.30 PM till 06.30 PM those are the recommend time which you can find the best moment.

How long we take the time if we will not staying in Trawangan.

From Lombok you can reach Gili Trawangan Island by find the Bangsal Harbour where you can take publik boat to Gili Island

but need to remember they open starting 7.00 AM to 04.30 PM then you need to prepare anything early then the time.

Bangsal harbour just serve public transportation to across Bangsal to Gili Trawangan or Gili Meno or Gili Air.

One stay on time or come anytime ? 

Another harbour you may take this one to get 24 hours service name is Teluk Nare Harbour where you can take speedboat private to Gili Island, they server depend on order then why should worry with the time, come anytime as you want then let wave embrace you.

After you arrived in Gili Trawangan you may take horse cart from Harbour to Sunset Point to get swings place with cost 100.000,- rupiahs for 3 passengers.

Another options, you may take bike hire to ride to sunset point with price  20.000,- rupiahs per hours coz you just need one or 2 hours to grab the sunset.

Share this information then the people will get the true information and nothing to worry about on your vacation

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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