The hidden paradise well set in the east of Lombok where the population extremely decrease due to quality of the land fertile, All the people in Lombok will choose the land as home depend to the quality of the land side, the are able to improve live quality or not.
East Lombok esspecially in Jerowaru where the Tanjung Bloang is, there are much people hold the life production under the fishing activity, the fish and other potential pruduct of the sea is the main thing to continue the life, it is for consumption or sell for rice.
Transport from Lombok Airport to Gili Trawangan, This service you can choose to reach that place, you may use just land transport from Lombok International Airport wit h land transfer around 2 Hours to the east. A little pieces of the land of Lombok You can see on the way to.
Another Potential product that people do not really care about it, a tourism object, you can see the beach of Tanjung Bloam was so Popular cause of that one hotel have established, Hotel Jeeva Bloam, just the only one.
You may check the picture below

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