Thursday, 17 May 2018

The thing you should know before book a Fastboat Lombok to Bali

eni sulistiani
Fastboat to Lombok is one of the shortest transport choice two reach Gili islands or Lombok in 90 minutes, as the traveler understand that the time expenses will be a side consider for a transport.
Fastboat is one of the best choice to reach Gili islands in a short time ( Trawangan, Meno and Air ) those islands full y with traveller from world wide and always be the best Holliday's park in the world.
Before you choose the Fastboat company as your transport to other island, please check the reasonable sentence why you choose it :
1. Please check the Fastboat Capacity
Fastboat has much capacity between one and other then you need to identify which one has the biggest capacity, high capacity means a big boat, low risk. Break the wave and absolutely a big machine will come with.
There are many Fastboat has a big capacity which better choice to decrease the wave move on the boat during sailing the most comfortable journey will guarantee.
As Patagonia Express has a huge 174 seats sold everyday and a big blue boat ready to assist your journey island to island, book with us for smart price.


2. Check the rating of Fastboat
There are many Fastboat has a big sized but they has a lower rating cause they do not holding the quality up, just focus to sell the daily seats to reach the revenue targets.
What can be happen ? This company always be choice of new traveller which always choose the lower price, please remember that the price stay together with Service quality.
How a pity the traveler which there is no experience, by this note we just share about the power of our content recommend it, cause we really understand how valuable your holiday time then another thing.
Holiday is a time for you to refresh your body out and re boost your mind for better idea,

3. Remember for overloaded
Some of the company has experience for overloaded and they explained clearly about the situation why they should hold the passengers for always overload.
Although the company explained but still much people do direct booking without hesitate about it.
Imagine for a while if you stand on the boat for 90 - 120 minutes, you will understand how valuable the safety and comfortable Fastboat to be your option.
We do not write which Fastboat is it, but you will know soon about it.


4. On time
This is the real problem, there are a lot of reasons why the Fastboat did not come on time and always late of time.
The time sometimes delay in 30 minutes cause of the weather conditions, machine maintenance or administration procedure but this problem coming rarely cause of unexpected problems.

5. Transit or direct
 Some of the Fastboat has directed sailing from one spot to another like Padang Bai continue to Gili Trawangan, direct sailing will save times.
Here some destination you may choose for direct sailing :
- Padang Bai to Gili Trawangan
- Gili Trawangan to Sanur
- Gili Trawangan to Benoa
Choose the option above as your necessary

6. Shuttle Service
Shuttle service will allow in Bali area only, here the shuttle service you may choose close to your hotel stay in Bali :
  • Sanur
  • Ubud
  • Nusadua
  • Jimbaran
  • Denpasar
  • Candidasa
  • Benoa

Hope the 6 thing we wrote will be a better option and consideration for take your choice.

Sunday, 6 May 2018

The best activity in Gili Trawangan

eni sulistiani
Everybody thinks Gili Trawangan is small Island where did not much activity you can do there, the island is 300 hectare Square which has been established buy more than 350 Hotel everything is Can be the something more important to do to spend the whole time for vacation.
Traveling to try to improve their facility infrastructure activity and the other thing can support to inform the Trawangan quality in activities which able to decrease unsatisfactory,
Here We and close the Trawangan best activity during your holiday :
1. Snorkeling
Snorkeling is one of the simple underwater activity they just need the basic of a swimming skill you can just stay on the top of surface of the water then you can see the whole thing under the water by the masker what about the other things you my visit on the whole island you can hire glass bottom boat to visit another sport in the Gili trawangan Island
Snorkeling is the best activity in Gili Trawangan, everything we talked about snorkeling we'll change our mind to the underwater activity like fish, Coral and out of a great underwater view which very nice to show, snorkeling has more than 4 greatest sport to visit in Gili trawangan however all the sport have different in every time you visit. Then you must try this activity during your stay in Gili trawangan

2. Diving
The second thing you might do and get it through on these diving one of the deepest way to explore what underwater with tang Masker and scubapro. Regarding to this activity there more than 10 diving company has been built in Gili Trawangan accept diving license under PADI certification.
Another Indonesian diving Academy you may know diving company under the Indonesian license or SSI diving, diving Hess education to operate the tank and  scubapro which usually use on diving activity.

3. Biking
There many thing that you can do in Gili trawangan such as biking, biking is one of the simple activity.
There are many bike rental station in beach front Gili Trawangan with the price 45000 a day.
Ride a manual bike in Gili Trawangan will be a great things to expand your time Waiting on the world islands in fifty minutes with the bike

4. Ride Horses
Want to be like cowboy Gili trawangan horse riding the step up on the beach with big horse to ride.
5. Horse Cart Around
Spending the time by take a horse Cart to see the whole island with price of IDR 300.000, rupiah to load 3 persons on cart.
Stay relax on cart by spending the time overwhile to see the beautiful beach and stop from any highest place for better view in Gili Trawangan

6. Beer pong
Beer pong is one of favorite game which playing by foreign people especially Australia, this game was made to throw the ball to the glass, as same like a basketball procedure but no basket, no jumping.
Throw the ball to the glass on table. Who winner will get the drink gift from the loser.
7. Playing cheese
This game you just can play in villa ombak which has giants cheese on the park area close to swimming pool seat.
8. Lounge on the beach
Lounge on the beach is a basic trip which people always waiting for and explore it, the long beach and clean with crystal waters make a beautiful place for lounge by the beach.
The best lounge area in Gili Trawangan you may visit :
️ Horizontal beach
️ Villa Ombak Trawangan
️ Villa ombak sunset

9. Yoga class
Trawangan has high energy to pull the body out, the yoga class teacher said like that, what make yoga class better in Trawangan.
There are no reasonable answer why but everybody believe that Trawangan where the best place ever, as we see right now there are much people enjoy the class without complaint about the location.
10. Free diving
Feel boring use the scuba pro equipment then continue wanna try how the fish come down to the water, freediving is the best choice.
Take a little breath and explore 10 meters deep by following the tail from up to the bottom.
A great exercise really need it, a long fin will help your speed to go down and up cause they has great push to decrease energy out.
11. Hopping 3 island
Hopping to the three Gilis are a fantastic trip to explore another island in one day trip :
Here the Gili to explore :
️ Gili Trawangan
️ Gili Meno
️ Gili Air

12. Parasailing
The new trip to increase your adrenaline push by put your self hang on the tail with speed boat speed.
Feel like extreme when the wind blow you up and easy for you to see the Gili island from top side like a drone.
Do not forget to use Camera to catch every step you screaming out on high place and turn back by the speed boat
13. Surfing
A beginner this time for you to try a skinny wave on Gili Trawanga n, if you are an expert Gili Trawangan is not your place to do it.

14. Canoeing
This a personal lesson to reach other place on see, this canoeing was same like paddle boat but canoeing you can share together with your friend

15. Banana boat
Wanna share with your family, try a banana boat to share your love and family moment by banana boat

16. Jet sky
Jet sky is one of the water sport which provide by villa ombak hotel. High budget need to explore and trying the high class activities.
17. Paddle boat
Wanna spend your time after swimming and lounge, try a paddle boat which able for you to stand up to the paddle boat.
Take the huge moment to shoot before finished your fantastic view on the sea side.

18. Fishing
Fishing was so humble for people in Gili island as the best activity and personally and the way the old people find the best to earn the money from long time ago.
Now fishing is one of the trip which holding by local people for guests, the professional fisher will handle with great bites and fishing tools.
The boat will available to reach the best place on the sea side.

19. Cooking class
Cooking class was going so fun to learn about Indonesia n culinary, all the lesson was learn so fun then all step far from stress and very enjoyable.

20. Explore Lombok Culinary
See Lombok Culinary by visit Art Market started at 06.00 PM to 11.00 PM all Indonesia food serve with lowest price as local food.
Seafood are welcome by other kind to cook with :
️ Grilled
️ Cook
️ Frying
️ Baked
Hope the Gili islands activities can help the people to find the best activities and do not confuse anymore what should do in Gili islands.

Monday, 30 April 2018


eni sulistiani
Rinjani is one of the best trekking tour in Lombok with most trekking step harder then any mountain in indonesia, Rinjani has been hold " The World Geo park " as international geopark of  the world, there many thing you should understand about Rinjani Tour Package those are will be a great guiding to explore rinjani by trekking activity. 

Here the best thing you should understand abut Rinjani Trekking Package which very important thing to know earlier before take action : 

Which Package Should you choose

Sometimes all trekker confusing about the trip better choice then marching with their skill and power to defeat Rinjani Mountain. 

1. 2 Days 1 night Package

Are you and expert trekker then you can choose this kind of Rinjani trekking package due to your body and spirit always stay face the struggle and other tracking.

This package marching to the long term or experience trekker, short time and go on, as we know Rinjani has a different track to explore, sandy, slipped and rocky.

2. 3 Days 2 Night

The Rinjani tour packages for this actually better for medium experience which has 4 or 5 times trekking, 

However, Rinjani is one of 3 mountain in Indonesia were call as a palace of demon as same as Aging mountain and sumeru mountain, the Lombok people believe Rinjani is a holy place then you need to have a good intentions and respect to explore the Rinjani mountain.

3. 4 Days 3 Night

This package actually marching for the people which a beginner trekker with slow time trekking and avoid tired and sweat conditions.

Most of the client really like the trip we sold for the most spent the time and most flexible, 

4. Sembalun 

The rute sembalun in the easier step to start trekking then Rinjani with some reason 

A. Sembalun has an easy trekking conditions then Senaru which more difficult

B. Sembalun has shorter rute to reach the summit and can save the time and energy to do that trekking

C. Sembalun is one of the best sellers rute for trekker with welcoming green savanna and small hill refreshing your blue eyes.

5. Senaru 

Senaru is a second rute you can choose but this rute recommend it for experience trekker, the rute more difficult then sembalun.

An experienced trekker will explore the most difficult thing that some thing have been explored earlier. 

Come through the Senaru rute is away for a new struggle and hard trekking rute, keep your body power to defeat this trek moment in Rinjani mountain

6. Magical story of Rinjani

Rinjani is a place where the Hindu's celebrate for some ceremony, exactly in Segara Anak lake where the ritual have been take for.

There are so many magical story we heard from local people told us like :

- Rinjani is a place where the demons stay for under the Queen of Anjani

- Rinjani trekking procedure has to hold the good trekking attention and respectfull and no arrogance

- Do not do a something forbid in your trekking way cause Rinjani is a sacred place for the king.

7. Summit conditions

Rinjani is one of the fire mountain in Indonesia with 3.726 meters on surface of the water highs, is the third highest mountain in Indonesia.

As call as a place where the demons lives, Rinjani is beautiful place for savanna, small hill and various variety of trees. 

The summit conditions was so fabulous with only 40 minutes you can stay by the top cause the wind blow up on the morning time, the cloud come most extreme then normally also the weather change immediately cool enough to bring your body freeze. 

That why Rinjani summit was so different then another spot in Rinjani trekking.

Sunday, 22 April 2018


eni sulistiani
Rinjani Trekking Package 4 Days and 3 Night Via Sembalun Route
(Sembalun Village – Senaru Crater Rim – Summit – Lake – Senaru Crater Rim – Senaru Village)

Trekking Itinerary :

Pre trip that pick up from other spot in Lombok or Gili Island such us :

  • Lombok Airport 
  • Senggigi
  • Mataram 
  • Kuta Lombok
  • Bangsal 
  • Tanjung North Lombok
After this time, we will continue drop you to our hotel base camp in Senaru Village where you can find the best holding service which able to improve our knowledge about Trekking, Pre Trekking Exercise, here our program in Hotel Stay for Meeting Point : 
  • Trekking Rinjani Knowledge 
  • Pre-Trekking Excercise to avoid muscle stuck 
  • Communication between guide, porter and trekker
  • Improve the skill
  • Finding the trek map to avoid empower the energy
  • Prepare all stuff
Note : This Package for Beginner ( Medium Trekker with slow action )

Tour Itinerary

Day 01:
Senaru Village- Sembalun Village (1,150 m) – Sembalun Crater Rim(2,639 m)

Senaru Village
  • Wake up at 6.00am and get breakfast at 6.30-40 and our special mountain car will ready to bring us to sembalun village for 45minute /1 hour ,arrive here approx 8.00am 
  • Then Registration in Rinjani Information Center (RIC) 1051 m and start the trek to Pos 1 (Pemantauan) 1300 m, walking time is about 2 hours. We take a rest for 5/10 minute at Pos 1 (Pemantauan,) 
  • And then continue to Pos 2 (Tengengean) 1500 m walking time about 1 hour. We take short break here for 5 to 10 minutes at Pos 2 ( Tengengean ), and then we continue our journey to Pos 3 (Pada Balong ) 1800 m, walking time is approx 1 hour. We rest for 2 hours at Pos 3, 
  • Then your guide and porters prepare for lunch, and a hot drink (tea, coffee, hot chocolate or lemon tea). After lunch and a rest, we continue to heading Sembalun Crater Rim (Pelawangan Sembalun) 2639M, walking time 3 hours including a prolonged steep climb. 
  • We will camp the night at Sembalun Crater Rim, then from here we can enjoy the awesome views. As the sun sets, and sunrise for the next morning , Segara Anak lake, Sembalun village, the summit of mount Rinjani half of nort lombok can be seen from here.

Day 02: Sembalun Crater Rim(2.639m) – Summit/Top 3.726m – Segara Anak Lake and Hotsprings (2008m) 

Sembalun Crater Rim(2.639m)
  • We wake up at 02:30 am and have some light breakfast then leave at 03:00 am we start the trek to heading Rinjani Summit (3726 m). Walking time approximely 3 hours and 20 minutes. 
  • The first stage is a moderate climb for 120 minutes, while the second stage is a fairly easy but long trek. The last hour is very steep and difficult. (There are many loose stones, and as you take two steps forward you will slip one step back). 
  • From the Summit, you can see all of Lombok island, Bali, Sumbawa and Segara Anak Lake. After sunrise we will go down to the Sembalun crater rim and have a hot breakfast. After breakfast and a rest, we will go down to the lake and hotsrpring the trail down is very steep and slippery beware and extra carefully we need 3 hours to get in to the lake and hotspring,the lunch will be provide by the lake and hot spring just 100m walk from the lake then 
  • we will explore the lake and swiming bye hotspring soak in and healing your skin as medicine during on the lake fising bye the local people can be arrange here too,camping and sleeping with your own dinner here.
Day 03: Segara Anak Lake and Hot springs (2008m).-Senaru Crater Rim(2.641m)
We will leave from the lake after luch time and go up to the crater Rim of Senaru for 3 hours walking up this route and trail quite top and steep up and stony we need to be careful and we will reach this point of the place we called second nice views from the summit, where you can enjoy the incridble sunset over the mountain Agung in bali and the smoke trough tout from the hole of the new volcano by the lake camping and enjoying your Dinner here,
 Day 03: Segara Anak Lake and Hot springs (2008m).-Senaru Crater Rim(2.641m)
Day 04: Senaru Crater Rim(2.641m) – Senaru Village (601m) :
After breakfast and enjoying the sunrise, and taking the picture with beautiful scenery of the lake we will go down to Senaru village for 4-5 hour back down and including break and lunch on the way between pos2 or pos extra ,then we will arrive at senaru Rinjani Trekking Centre around 12.30am to 13.00 then our private car will bring to your next destination as ( Gilis island, senggigi, Mataram or Lombok international airport) good luck end of service.

Estimation time:
Lombok Airport – Senggigi approximately 1,30 minutes by private car
Lombok Airport – Senaru village approximately 4 hours by private Car
Lembar – Senaru village approximately 2,5 hours
Mataram / Senggigi – Senaru village approx 2 hours
Tluk Kode / Bangsal Harbor – Senaru village its about 1, hour 30 minutes
Gilis – Bangsal harbor 30 minutes approximately by public boat.
Price including:
  • A night hotel in Senaru before the trek,
  • Return pick up & transfer with Full AC Coach
  • Entrance fee to Rinjani National Park IDR : 30.0000/Day/Person
  • English Speaking Guide + Local porters
  • Full board meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper for going to summit, coffee or tea, hot chocolate, snacks, fresh fruits,bread.
  • All camping equipment; double size camping tent, mattress, sleeping bag, dining tent, portable toilet, etc.
  • Daily water consumption from safe drinking bottle water
  • treking certificate ( on request )
Price excluding:
  • Head lamp /hand torch
  • Small bag pack/daily pack
  • Treking shoes
  • Treking jacket
  • Ticket airplane
  • Extra porter for own luggage
  • Long pants/trousers
  • cash tips for guide and porters
Please contact us via WA 085955233832 for further information. 


eni sulistiani
Rinjani Treking 3 Days and 2 Night Via Sembalun
(Sembalun Village – Crater Rim – Summit – Senaru Crater Rim – Senaru Village)

Arrival Lombok – Transfers to Hotel : 
Pre trip that pick up from other spot in Lombok or Gili Island such us :

  • Lombok Airport 
  • Senggigi
  • Mataram 
  • Kuta Lombok
  • Bangsal 
  • Tanjung North Lombok

After this time, we will continue drop you to our hotel base camp in Senaru Village where you can find the best holding service which able to improve our knowledge about Treking, Pre Treking Exercise, here our program in Hotel Stay for Meeting Point : 
  • Trekking Rinjani Knowledge 
  • Pre-Trekking Excercise to avoid muscle stuck 
  • Communication between guide, porter and trekker
  • Improve the skill
  • Finding the trek map to avoid empower the energy
  • Prepare all stuff

Note : This Package special for Advance Trekker with medium level of trekker experience and can be follows by advance trekker.

Tour Itinerary :

Day 01: Senaru Village- Sembalun Village (1.150.m) – Sembalun Crater Rim(2.639.m)

Senaru Village 
  • Wake up at 6.00am and get breakfast at 6.30-40 and our special mountain car will ready to bring us to sembalun village for 45 minute /1 hour ,arrive here approx 8.00am then continue to
  • Registration in Rinjani Information Center (RIC) 1051 m and start the trek to Pos 1 (Pemantauan) 1300 m, walking time is about 2 hours. We take a rest for 5/10 minute at Pos 1 ( pemantauan,) and then continue to Pos 2 (Tengengean) 1500 m walking time about 1 hour. 
  • We take short break here for 5 to 10 minutes at Pos 2 ( Tengengean ) and then we continue our journey to Pos 3 (Pada Balong ) 1800 m, walking time is approx 1 hour. We rest for 2 hours at Pos 3, then your guide and porters prepare for lunch, and a hot drink (tea, coffee, hot chocolate or lemon tea). After lunch and a rest.
  • we continue to heading Sembalun Crater Rim (Pelawangan Sembalun) 2639M, walking time 3 hours including a Prolonged steep climb. We will camp the night at Sembalun Crater Rim, then from here we can enjoy the awesome views. As the sun sets, and sunrise for the next morning , Segara Anak lake, Sembalun village, the summit of mount Rinjani half of North Lombok can be seen from here.
Day 02: Sembalun Crater Rim(2.639m) – Summit/Top 3.726m – Segara Anak Lake and Hot Springs (2008m)

Crater Rim Senaru : 
  • We wake up at 02:30 am and have some light breakfast then leave at 03:00 am we start the trek to heading Rinjani Summit (3726 m). 
  • Walking time approximely 3 hours and 20 minutes. The first stage is a moderate climb for 120 minutes, while the second stage is a fairly easy but long trek. 
  • The last hour is very steep and difficult. (There are many loose stones, and as you take two steps forward you will slip one step back). From the Summit, you can see all of Lombok island, Bali, Sumbawa and Segara Anak Lake. 
  • After sunrise we will go down to the Sembalun crater rim and have a hot breakfast. After breakfast and a rest.
  • We will go down to the lake and hot spring the trail down is very steep and slippery beware and extra carefully we need 3 hours to get in to the lake and hot spring, the lunch will be provide by the lake and hot spring just 100 m walk from the lake then 
  • We will explore the lake and swimming bye hot spring soak in and healing your skin as medicine during on the lake fishing bye the local people can be arrange here too,then climb to Senaru crater rim 2.641 m for camping and sleeping with your own dinner here.
Day 03: Senaru Crater Rim(2.641m) – Senaru Village (601m)

Senaru Crater Rim
  • After breakfast and enjoy the sunrise, and taking the picture with beautiful scenery of the lake we will go down to Senaru village for 4-5 hour back down and including break and lunch on the way between Pos 2 or pos extra 
  • Then we will arrive at senaru Rinjani Treking Centre around 12.30am to 13.00 then our private car will bring to your next destination as ( Gilis island, senggigi, Mataram or Lombok international airport) good luck end of service.

Estimation time:
  1. Lombok Airport – Senggigi approximately 1.30 minutes by private car
  2. Lombok Airport – Senaru village approximately 4 hours by private Car
  3. Lembar – Senaru village approximately 2,5 hours
  4. Mataram / Senggigi – Senaru village approx 2 hours
  5. Teluk Kode / Bangsal Harbor – Senaru village its about 1, hour 30 minutes
  6. Gilis – Bangsal harbor 30 minutes approximately by public boat.
Price including:
  • A night accommodation in Senaru before the trek,
  • Return pick up & transfer with Full AC Coach
  • Entrance fee to Rinjani National Park IDR : 30.0000
  • English Speaking Guide + Local porters
  • Full board meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper for going to summit, coffee or tea, hot chocolate, snacks, fresh fruits,bread.
  • All camping equipment; double size camping tent, mattress, sleeping bags, dinning tent, portable toilet, etc.
  • Daily water consumption from safe drinking bottled water
  • treking certificate ( on request )
Price exclude
  • Head lamp /hand torch
  • Small bag pack/daily pack
  • Treking shoes
  • Treking jacket
  • Ticket airplane
  • Extra porter for own luggage
  • Long pants/trousers
  • cash tips for guide and porter
Please contact us via WA or call 085955233832


eni sulistiani
Trekking Itinerary :

Pre trip that pick up from other spot in Lombok or Gili Island such us :
  • Lombok Airport 
  • Senggigi
  • Mataram 
  • Kuta Lombok
  • Bangsal 
  • Tanjung North Lombok
After this time, we will continue drop you to our hotel base camp in Senaru Village where you can find the best holding service which able to improve our knowledge about Trekking, Pre Trekking Exercise, here our program in Hotel Stay for Meeting Point : 
  • Trekking Rinjani Knowledge 
  • Pre-Trekking Excercise to avoid muscle stuck 
  • Communication between guide, porter and trekker
  • Improve the skill
  • Finding the trek map to avoid empower the energy
  • Prepare all stuff
Note : This Package special for Advance Trekker with extra performance, Fitness body and has high quantity of trekking.

Day 01:
Senaru Village- Sembalun Village (1,150 m) – Sembalun Crater Rim(2,639 m)

Wake up at 6.00 am and get breakfast at 6.30-40 and our special mountain car will ready to bring us to Sembalun village for 45 minute / 1 hour, arrive here approx 8.00 am then all the destination sortly below :
  • Registration in Rinjani Information Center ( RIC ) 1051 m and start the trek to Pos 1 (Pemantauan) 1300 m, walking time is about 2 hours. 
  • We take a rest for 5 to 10 minutes at Pos 1 ( Pemantauan) and then continue to Pos 2 (Tengengean) 1500 m walking time about 1 hour, to find the new energy we should take short break here for 5 to 10 minutes at Pos 2 ( Tengengean ). 
  • And then we continue our journey to Pos 3 ( Pada Balong ) 1800 m, walking time is approx 1 hour. We rest for 2 hours at Pos 3, then your guide and porters prepare for lunch, and a hot drink (tea, coffee, hot chocolate or lemon tea). 
  • After lunch and a rest, we continue to heading Sembalun Crater Rim ( Pelawangan Sembalun ) 2,639 m, walking time 3 hours including a prolonged steep climb. We will camp by the night at Sembalun Crater Rim, then from here we can enjoy the owe some views. As the sun sets, and sunrise for the next morning, Segara Anak lake, Sembalun village, the summit of mount Rinjani half of north Lombok can be seen from here.

Day 02:
Sembalun Crater Rim(2,639 m) – Summit / Top 3,726 m – Sembalun Village 1,150 m ) – Gilis-Senggigi or Mataram

We wake up at 02:30 am and have some light breakfast then leave at 03:00 am we start the trek to heading Rinjani Summit (3726 m). Walking time approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes.
  • The first stage is a moderate climb for 120 minutes, while the second stage is a fairly easy but long trek. The last hour is very steep and difficult. (There are many loose stones, and as you take two steps forward you will slip one step back). 
  • From the Summit, you can see all of Lombok island, Bali, Sumbawa and Segara Anak Lake. After sunrise we will go down to the Sembalun crater rim and have a hot breakfast. 
  • After breakfast and a rest, we will then return back down to Sembalun village then will have some lunch on the way down at pos 3 or 2 walking time about 5 hours to get sembalun village we here our car waiting for bring everybody to Senaru to pick up rest of the luggage then our specific transfers to your next destination ( Gilis – Senggigi – Mataram or Lombok airport ) end of service.

Estimation time:
  • Lombok Airport – Senggigi approximately 1,30 minutes by private car
  • Lombok Airport – Senaru village approximately 4 hours by private Car
  • Lembar – Senaru village approximately 2,5 hours
  • Mataram / Senggigi – Senaru village approx 2 hours
  • Tluk Kode / Bangsal Harbor – Senaru village its about 1, hour 30 minutes
  • Gilis – Bangsal harbor 30 minutes approximately by public boat.
Price including:
  • A night accommodation in Senaru before the trek,
  • Return pick up & transfer with Full AC Coach
  • Entrance fee to Rinjani National Park IDR : 30.0000
  • English Speaking Guide + Local porters
  • Full board meals; breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper for going to summit, coffee or tea, hot chocolate, snacks, fresh fruits,bread.
  • All camping equipment; double size camping tent, mattress, sleeping bags, dinning tent, portable toilet, etc.
  • Daily water consumption from safe drinking bottled water
  • trekking certificate ( on request )
Price excluding
  • Head lamp /hand torch
  • Small bag pack/daily pack
  • Trekking shoes
  • Trekking jacket
  • Flight Ticket
  • Extra porter for own luggage
  • Long pants / trousers
  • cash tips for guide and porters
Please contact us via WA or Telp 085955233832 for further assistance. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018


eni sulistiani
Kayu Cafe Gili Trawangan is one of the best and most recommendation cafe to find the best breakfast menu with organic ingredients.  Fomerly Kayu Cafe was established to put a small coffe shop in Gili trawangan to fully the guest request for coffe quality with a little slice of cake for the complimentary, but now most of the people in Gili Trawangan put them to best the best coffe shop well favorites. 

Basically the name of "Kayu" come from Indonesian language which mean "wooden"  Those are transform to design interior fully with wooden architecture, from the table, the roof and upstairs restaurant was influence to the motto of the name Kayu. 

The View of Kayu Cafe 

The Cake Frezzer

Indoor Restaurant

Beach View Restaurant

Black Board Menu
Table Menu
All the design was managed so natural to boost the eyes view marching with the motto for the organic food with organic design. most of the guest who visited the gili island really car about the environment situation from the rubbish condition till the empower the world under water by Gili Eco Trust Community. 

Kayu Cafe located on the Central Area of Gili Trawangan around 100 meters from Gili Trawangan  to the south or 100 meters from Night Market of Gili Trawangan, the location was so easy to find it without scroll for long time. 

There are some reason why you should visit this kind of Restaurant : 
  • The Healthy food offer, all the ingredients serve with the fresh one for vegetable, fruit and another food which combined to be a great menu ever
  • The drinking water to make it a juice used the water in the bottle, most healthy as we know that Gili Island was hard to find the good water to drink, it should sailing the water from Lombok or make the system water desalinization as we see now. 
  • The Restaurant location on central area of Gili Trawangan then very easy for us to find it cause central area where the hotel location is.
  • It has restaurant on the beach, if you require to order healthy breakfast you can take the seat by the beach side to see a beautiful sunrise combine with a slim water with a little voice of the waves. 
  • It has an illy coffe machine to make Espresso, Capuccino, Machiato or Black Coffe, if require indonesian coffe, that available for you too
  • Another cake you may find for special celebration, Anniversary, Birthday or Honeymoon you may order in advance, another option for cake on Coffe and Tea, a slice of cake available for coffe time 
  • The organic food will be the general reason why you choose this restaurant as the best choice then other. 
Hope those all reason we enclose will change your mind to choose this restaurant during your holiday in Gili Trawangan.

The healthy food was made by Kayu Cafe Gili Trawangan which good enough for diet and healthy life, for more information about the menu and details you can see below : 

Dragon Fruits, Strawbery, Banana and Coconut

English Breakfast

Cappuccino, Fresh Juice and Black Coffe

Mixed Fruit

Fresh Salad
Finally this is a little information about Kayu Cafe Gili Trawangan well the best restaurant for organic food and fresh food for holiday budget. if you have any more information share with us by write a comment

Wednesday, 28 March 2018


eni sulistiani
Pearl Of Trawangan is one of the best hotel choice in Gili Trawangan which offering white sandy beach covered with bamboo restaurant design, it located on south side of Gili Trawangan Beach right after Villa Ombak Sunset.

Pearl of Trawangan Menu has more then 10.000- searching statistic in Google site, it means every people try to looking for the right information which give educate and right information about it, has a long beach area for lounge make every people want enjoy the time by the beach side while enjoying the food and beverage offer.


Offering the Lombok Hotel Design Architecture  "Lumbung Traditional Home" it bring a traditional design transform to five star hotel, there are 300 hotels more established in Gili Trawangan with Natural Design, Millennial Design and Eco Friendly design, those are competitive to win the best hotel choice. 

There are many aspect which a reason why the guest choose the hotel : 

Hotel Design 

Hotel design focus to perform the best looking hotel which much different with another hotel in the same region or island, for example the Pearls of Trawangan hold the Lombok Traditional Home as their branding quality. 

From 2006 until 2010, many hotel was focus to make it the best architecture which booming on the recently year cause the hotel best looking will priority to sell the hotel based on design without think about the service belong to. 

Service Quality

Now the hotel much realize that the service will be one of the best choice why the people choose your hotel, there are mostly somebody will check how your hotel service the continue to drop the mouse click to know how big your hotel for secondly. 


Most of the survey that we see from the whole costumer, they will see the hotel location and will choose hotel by the beach then other all and close to the central activity to minimize the cost for transportation. 

Product ( Restaurant, Breakfast, Yoga )

For another reason the hotel seeker will looking for the hotel with complete facilities like Restaurant, Bar and Yoga class, we have identified cause the people who on holiday park will decrease the move through to other place to find the other service, every people mostly want to stay for lounge relax and enjoy the moment.

Bact to the topic about Pearl of Trawangan Menu, it has a special breakfast menu with mostly cost higher then other hotel this one of the most reason why we should stay there, Here the Breakfast Menu we show :


Look at the Breakfast menu above, we put with big size due to know details about what kind of menu you interested for :

Croissant  + Coffe + Muesli + Watermelon Juice


Scrambled eggs + Chicken Sausage + Tomatoes + Breed

Fried eggs  + Vegetables Garnis


Pearls of Trawangan  Restaurant on the beach 


Poached eggs + Breed


Finally that the Pearls of Trawangan Menu that we show for you all, we wish this information will valuable for reference. want to enjoy the Pearl of Trawangan Breakfast menu, stay at The Hotel or Pearls of Trawangan and enjoy the best food and cuisine

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Fastboat Sanur to Lembongan/Gili Trawangan/Lombok

eni sulistiani

Scoot Fastboat to Lombok and Gili

Scoot Fast Cruise is a Green ColourFastboat which handle transportation from Sanur to Gili Trawangan, The boat  transfer specialist ( familiar with that name ) offering boat transfers from Bali to Lombok and Gili Island (including Gili Air and Gili Trawangan) still holding the greatest name then other.

The Name of Specialist due to Scoot Fast Cruise has been awarded four time winner as the leader for business cruise operations between Bali, Nusa Lembongan, Lombok, and Gili Island. Since 2005, Scoot Fast Cruise has been devoted to offering a commitment to strong attention to detail while striving to reach the highest safety standards. The company offers comprehensive Indonesian and International insurance.

Managed and operated by an Australian registered ship’s captain with over 40 years of experience in Marine Tourism throughout Australia, Scoot Fast Cruise is committed to offering their passengers the most convenient departure times as well as an extensity trained staff meeting the highest Indonesian qualifications. Our company has also recently been awarded the prestigious Travel Award Indonesia Leader in Business Cruise Operations.

Fast Boats Sanur to Lembongan

Scoot Fast Cruise also operates five daily speed boat services between Bali and Nusa Lembongan. Four daily trips from Sanur to Lembongan with an approximate crossing time of 30 minutes and two daily trips from Padang Bai to Lembongan with a crossing time of 45 minutes.

Boat from Bali to Lembongan and Lombok
Scoot Fast Cruise speed boats offer a daily return from Bali to Lombok. The boat stops in Nusa Lembongan, Lombok (Senggigi), and Gili Trawangan. We also offer service to Gili Air via transfer from Gili Trawangan. Departing at 12:45, the approximate crossing time is 3.5 hours.

Island Hopping Boat
At Scoot Fast Cruise, we bring flexibility to our guests. With the offering of island hopping, guests are able to use one ticket, while breaking their trip into a few days at each island. Seat availability is limited for island hopping, however once a ticket it purchased, we can assist with last minute arrangements. To book an island hoping tour with Scoot Fast Cruise, you will purchase a one way or return ticket from Bali to Gili Island/Lombok. Once your have a confirmed ticket, you can contact us directly with your itinerary. We will then arrange and confirm your reservations for island hopping.

Bali and Lombok Hotel Pick Up and Drop Off


We look to provide convenient services departing from Sanur Beach. Included are free hotel transfers to and from most locations in South Bali. Denpasar, Kerobokan, Jimbaran, Tuban, Nusa Dua, Legian, Ubud Center, Sanur, Seminyak, and Kuta are all locations in which we offer our hotel transfers. For an additional 200,000rps, airport pick-up can be arranged while airport drop off is complimentary. Complimentary pick up is available from Canggu and Uluwatu with a two person minimum. Service is 150,000rps one way or 250,000rps return if the minimum number of people is not met.

While hotel pick up times can vary depending on the location, they can be as early as two hours prior to your departure time. Once your reservation is confirmed, you will be provided with the pick-up time from your hotel. We can also be contacted for additional pick up locations for an additional cost. If you are planning your own transportation to Scoot Cruise, we recommend you check in at least a half hour prior to your departure time.

Friday, 9 March 2018


eni sulistiani
Kuda Hitam Express fast boat are the only one fast boat which operated from East Bali Harbour ( AMED) to Gili Island, on the map you will see the shorter route from Amed to Gili Island about 1 hours trip on normal weather conditions.

Amed is around  3-4 hours drive from the main tourist area of Kuta or Seminyak then this port location suitable for the guest which stay in east Bali



They provide free pick-up and return to your hotel or villa from Tulamben, Tirtagangga and Amed. If you are staying in North Bali then Amed is the best departure point for heading to the Gilis.

Please note due to operational reasons, sometimes the Pacha fast boat is used as a replacement vessel for Kuda Hitam. This is to ensure proper maintanance standards are met. Therefore, you may travel on either of these boats. You should be informed of this prior to departure by Kuda Hitam management.

Schedule & Rates
Daily departure from Jemeluk Beach, Amed, Bali at 09:00 AM
Gili Trawangan
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Gili Meno
No direct Service
Gili Air
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
11:15 PM
12:30 PM

One Way (Rp)
Return (Rp)

Children 2-12 years old
Under 2 years old
free of charge
free of charge

Free pick up and transfer to any hotel in amed and tulamben area.
Additional transfer to any location in bali
+IDR 150,000 / person in a shared vehicle
+IDR  650,000 in a private car

Boat specification Below :

13 meters
45 persons
Life ratfs, jackets and buoys, radio and GPS.
3 × 200HP
For reservation click ht this link

Fastboat Booking