Monday, 30 April 2018


Rinjani is one of the best trekking tour in Lombok with most trekking step harder then any mountain in indonesia, Rinjani has been hold " The World Geo park " as international geopark of  the world, there many thing you should understand about Rinjani Tour Package those are will be a great guiding to explore rinjani by trekking activity. 

Here the best thing you should understand abut Rinjani Trekking Package which very important thing to know earlier before take action : 

Which Package Should you choose

Sometimes all trekker confusing about the trip better choice then marching with their skill and power to defeat Rinjani Mountain. 

1. 2 Days 1 night Package

Are you and expert trekker then you can choose this kind of Rinjani trekking package due to your body and spirit always stay face the struggle and other tracking.

This package marching to the long term or experience trekker, short time and go on, as we know Rinjani has a different track to explore, sandy, slipped and rocky.

2. 3 Days 2 Night

The Rinjani tour packages for this actually better for medium experience which has 4 or 5 times trekking, 

However, Rinjani is one of 3 mountain in Indonesia were call as a palace of demon as same as Aging mountain and sumeru mountain, the Lombok people believe Rinjani is a holy place then you need to have a good intentions and respect to explore the Rinjani mountain.

3. 4 Days 3 Night

This package actually marching for the people which a beginner trekker with slow time trekking and avoid tired and sweat conditions.

Most of the client really like the trip we sold for the most spent the time and most flexible, 

4. Sembalun 

The rute sembalun in the easier step to start trekking then Rinjani with some reason 

A. Sembalun has an easy trekking conditions then Senaru which more difficult

B. Sembalun has shorter rute to reach the summit and can save the time and energy to do that trekking

C. Sembalun is one of the best sellers rute for trekker with welcoming green savanna and small hill refreshing your blue eyes.

5. Senaru 

Senaru is a second rute you can choose but this rute recommend it for experience trekker, the rute more difficult then sembalun.

An experienced trekker will explore the most difficult thing that some thing have been explored earlier. 

Come through the Senaru rute is away for a new struggle and hard trekking rute, keep your body power to defeat this trek moment in Rinjani mountain

6. Magical story of Rinjani

Rinjani is a place where the Hindu's celebrate for some ceremony, exactly in Segara Anak lake where the ritual have been take for.

There are so many magical story we heard from local people told us like :

- Rinjani is a place where the demons stay for under the Queen of Anjani

- Rinjani trekking procedure has to hold the good trekking attention and respectfull and no arrogance

- Do not do a something forbid in your trekking way cause Rinjani is a sacred place for the king.

7. Summit conditions

Rinjani is one of the fire mountain in Indonesia with 3.726 meters on surface of the water highs, is the third highest mountain in Indonesia.

As call as a place where the demons lives, Rinjani is beautiful place for savanna, small hill and various variety of trees. 

The summit conditions was so fabulous with only 40 minutes you can stay by the top cause the wind blow up on the morning time, the cloud come most extreme then normally also the weather change immediately cool enough to bring your body freeze. 

That why Rinjani summit was so different then another spot in Rinjani trekking.

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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