September 2019 | LOMBOK SOCIETY

Monday, 30 September 2019


eni sulistiani

The Most Question we found from All of Our Clients and always be unstopped Question,  then we answer here below : 

1. Is Mount Rinjani Dangerous ?

Rinjani Mountain is a Volcanic mountain which save to travel in for Trekking activity or Climbing by the trek as soon as the The Rinjani Mountain Controller allow the traveler to stay in. 

During the Earth quake on 2018, Rinjani have been close fo a while due to the trek to the top and other have been close by the the land through then those are will be a problem for the trekker to find the right way to the top.

Rinjani is active volcano and show the activity but under the save level from Indonesia Meteorology and Geologist Department, it meant it save to travel in.

2. How Long Does Take to Climb Rinjani Mountain ?

For the whole time you can climb Rinjani Mountain in one day full but you need an extra power to passed the trek with many trek up and down. 

If you push the whole power  to trek it can be damage for your body, then the best time for Rinjani tour package  you may choose one of them : 

Rinjani Trekking 2 days 1 Night

This kind of package just for expert trekking which have more experience to climb much more mountain, they have high fitness level and usually have travel a lot. 

Most of the client take this package due to the time in Lombok was limited then they need to save more time to another travel in other lands, one thing that should be understand that your safe and comfortable also secure will be the focus. 

You may take this package with private and sharing depend to your necessary for the money expend and education need.

Rinjani Trekking 3 days 2 Nights

This package marching to the advance of trekking, the client have trekking for minimum 5 times then this package will be possible for them, 

Rinjani has different trek then other mountain in Indonesia, another one thing that Rinjani has a tropical forest with vary ecosystem flora dan Fauna which you will never get in other mountain in other place.

Rinjani Trekking 4 days 3 Nights 

Are you a beginner ? 
you come to the right package, spend more time but easy for beginner which never climb the mountain or had climb for one or two time only. 

Never worry about the trek, cause the guide standby to serve you about education, marching the equipment and also help you to get better movement with low power.

3. How Much Does it Cost to Climb Rinjani Mountain ?

The cost is different then another package, more days package you will spend more money for your time and consumption also service program.

The share or private service will affected to the trekking package cost for person, The Private Rinjani Trekking start USD 230 per person and Sharing package start USD 150 per person.

4. Can you climb Rinjani Mountai in One Day ?

Are sure you have experience ??
or you have high level fitness quantity ??
one day trekking will be the best option for you who has a little time and has more experience to catch the sunrise by the summit. 

5. What Date Rinjani Mountain Open and Close for Trekking ?

Rinjani mountain usually open for trekking when dry season starting June until October when the dry season coming and another month are rainy season when the time that Rinjani Trekking close, the month will be change depend to the season.

6. What the best equipment should be bring to Climb Rinjani ?

Torch the best tool for lighting for night trekking.
Stick will help to step down the trek and also when you go to summit under the sandy
Jacket to keep your body warm on the extreme temperature as long of your trekking
Tent for sleeping on the hill or Segara Anak  Lake
Mount Shoes a spesial shoes for trekking
Mount Bag to keep your equipment stay inside
Another equipment will provide by the company which the booking with

7. Can we Climb Rinjani Without Guide 

We really do not recommend to climb Rinjani Mountain without guide, most of the traveler try to do it but at the end they lost and never now where should go to summit and where to go back, there are no water and no friend will be a high damage for you.

Keep stay with the guide which has any connection with department which responsibility for accident, wounded or lost.

8. What Different Share Package and Private Trekking for Rinjani ?

Share Package 

- Low Cost
- More people to  know each other
- Valid for Advance only cause much people chose the package
- 6 persons will stay with one guide
- Share the experience with friend
- More Fun

Private Package  

- Full Control
- Full Service
- One person with One Guide
- Flexible for the time

9. What the Best Trekking area to start, Sembalun or Senaru ?

Sembalun : 

- Flat trekking area
- Easier to start trekking which much better for beginner 
- Starting from East Lombok good enough for the guest which stay in Pink Beach, Kuta Lombok or Selung Belanak
- View of Sembalun with strawberry field on the top, that was so exciting. 
- Sembalun village is a small village which surrounded by the small mountain


- Starting from North Lombok, better for client which stay in Mataram, Senggigi and 3 Gilis
- The trek quiet high then Sembalun
- Better for advance with medium level trekking side
- Passed the Rumah Adat Bayan
- You can visit 2 waterfall for extra cost ( Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep Waterfall )

10. Where to stay one night before trekking 

Your trekking company will serve you with one night stay in hotel Senaru which we call Golden Rinjani with the best hill and rice field view, also one thing that you can see Rinjani Mountain by that hotel. 
A beautiful sunrise will come to your room to say hello and good morning to you. 

One night in Hotel for : 
- Save the energy 
- Briefing time 
- Take rest for tommorow better 
- Prepare the whole equipment need
- Startegy and Power Expense


What do the porters carry? 

Usually, hikers carry all their personal items (clothes, toiletries etc) and the porters carry food, water and camping equipment.
All equipment we need will bring by the porter, another thing is cooking tools to cook the food and water which the guest request about it.

What is the group size? 

The group size consist with 10 participant and they come from another nationality, background, attitude and skill. 
More people more fun

What do they do with garbage? 

You are going to go through a lot of food and water on the trail. Make sure your tour company pays their porters to carry your garbage out, instead of dumping it or burning it on the mountain. There is a lot of garbage on Rinjani – please don’t add to it!

We separate the garbage from the kind of material like Plastic, Cotton, Food, Papers and Bamboo or Trees, another kind of garbage we bury it on mountain like Food, Cotton, Trees and Paper for easier to process, plastic with any kind of mark we bring home by our porter with special cost for them.

Who runs the company? What is their story? 

We love to travel with private companies run by local people. They tend to care deeply about the environment and the longevity of their business and less about earning a quick buck
Hope the answer will have trekker to recognize the problem and get better solution then.keep book with  Lombok Society Travel


eni sulistiani
Mount Rinjani has 3.726 Meter high level from surface of water, it has the third highest mountain in Indonesia which over a various landscape and other moment to hold in. 
The Tropical Rinjani Mountain offer the best view over other like : 

- Dessert Point
- Waterfall Mayung Putih
- Sahara 
- Lake Segara Anak 
- Top of Summit Sunrise 
- Tropical Forest 
- Edelweis Flower 

From all of them, some of traveler focused to climb the Rinjani Mountain to reach the higher summit in Lombok

Rinjani erupted three further times on 23 May 2010 with activity continuing until 24 May 2010. According to the volcano’s official monitoring agency, ash from Mount Barujari was reported as rising up to 2 km into the atmosphere and damaged crops. Lava flowed into the caldera lake, pushing its temperature up from 21°C to 35°C, while smoke spread 12 km. The volcano did not directly threaten villagers during any of the eruptive activity in early 2010 however access to some sections of the Mountain was officially closed or restricted at some times.

Now and continue, Rinjani always be the best place to trekking with so many reason why ? which able to answer by all traveler which love it so much

The lower and mid levels of the mountain are quite heavily forested. Above the tree line though the slopes are barren and rugged scree slopes and volcanic rock. The views of the crater lake are quite breath-taking from the caldera rim, as is the sunrise. From the absolute peak you can see Bali to the west and Sumbawa to the east.

"Rinjani Mountain" 5 The Difficult Trek to Explore 

1. Step up Floor of Rinjani Mountain 

This kind of step you must prepare your self through, let see the picture details, the road like a stage hold by the rock, this step you may found out there in Rinjani Mountain which around 100 meters length to finish.   

It time to push your body up, spend more energy and sweat out like a pump water, hot and dehydrated, keep fully your bottle of water to keep step up. 
you need more exercise to keep your foot strong to survive your body weight and in fact this step was so hard for porter ( a people which bring your stuff and trekking tools and equipment ), step up the trek with more luggage on shoulder.

2. Step Down Track Over Rinjani

This kind of trek is a contrary with number 1, this place length to down approximately 150 meters, your body weight will push you down, keep your body stay on and walk down slowly to keep your step land to the rock straightly.

Fall down in this place effect to your body push to the rock and bloody, keep follow the instruction from your guide to get better performance and save more energy. 

The step will land to the rocks which has different distance on to each other, the rock has random location which push us to step slowly, if it too far then step you foot direct to ground which look strong and close to.

3. One Step to The Top

The way to the top summit surround by the road with sandy, your step will catch by the mouth of sandy around 30 centimeters and continue like that until you reach summit. 

The tool you may need here is a stick to bring up your body when step into the sandy, most of the trekking package reach the summit in the dawn time to catch the sunrise time. 
Bring your torch on your head to heading your step and find the best place to land your foots,

4. Jungle Smoothy Trek

The jungle area with tropical plant, there are many trees from left to the right and front to the back, and one thing will be focused on the step where fully with  mosses and the death tree break the step everywhere, small branch also the leafs. 

Most of traveler really enjoyed this kind of step because of the green leafs every where and the bird singing with nice voice like a song, some of animal like Lutung ( same as monkey but black color and long tail ).

Keep your step on the land then if you want take a picture, stop your step a moment while focus cause the death trees every can break your skin.

5. Road up to the Hill 

Road up the hill, the road come straight and curves like a snake, the son was very hot in this area then bring your sunblock to protect your skin from UV. burning skin is one of the thing that trekker bring home as souvenir in this area and a tired muscle will be the consequentially. 

Provide the stick to help your step and stay with your guide to help you for any necessary, if you need to take rest then ask your guide for the condition. a early information will help you for better trekking procedure to avoid any accident. 
This step quiet longer then other due to the location close after the rest area then we have save the energy to finish it as fast as we can.
For Rinjani Trekking Packing  just follow the link here Rinjani Trekking Package 2 Days 1 Night

Hope the information can help traveler to prepare their self on the Rinjani Trekking and Avoid any unnecessary accident.

Saturday, 7 September 2019


eni sulistiani
 An a tiny island fully with white sandy beach and crystal water 
no pollution and no motorbikes


While the Gilis have served as landfall for fishermen and a base for Japanese military, permanent settlement only began in the 1970s, initiated by Bugis fishermen from Sulawesi. Gili T was then discovered by travelers in the 1980s, seduced by the white-sand beaches and coral reefs. By the late 1990s it had mutated into a kind of tropical Ibiza, a stony idyll where you could rave away from the eyes of the Indonesian police. And then the island began to grow up – resident Western hedonists morphed into entrepreneurs, diving rivalled partying in the economy, and outside money poured in to build resorts.

And yet behind this glitzy facade, a bohemian character endures, with rickety warungs (cheap eating houses) and reggae joints surviving between the cocktail tables, and quiet retreats dotting the much-less-busy north coast. Even as massive 200-plus-room hotels begin to colonise the gentrifying west coast, you can head just inland to a village laced with sandy lanes roamed by free-range roosters, fussing ibu (mothers) and wild-haired kids playing hopscotch. Here the call of the muezzin, not happy hour, defines the time of day.


Where are the best beaches on Gili Trawangan?

1. The port / main village

Arriving on Gili Trawangan you’ll immediately be greeted beautiful blue water and a white sand beach. It can get a little hectic in this area but the beach is surprisingly clean for such a busy place. There are heaps of boats coming and going through, so it’s probably not the best place to swim. There are lots of places to eat, drink and sleep in this area but I can imagine it being really loud at night. Gili T is famous for its night life so you’ll want to stay further away from the main drag if you’re after a proper sleep.

2. Surf Point (South East)

Heading clockwise around the island, our next stop was Surf Point, a stretch of stunning white sand with wavy water lapping at the shore. This beach is clean and ticks all the paradise island boxes. There is plenty of shade thanks to the abundance of trees and the beach is nice and clean.

3. Slightly further Around from Surfers Beach (South East)

The beaches on Gili Trawangan don’t really have names, so I’ll do my best to tell you where the best ones are. The section just past Surf Point is, in my opinion, Gili Trawangan’s best beach. The sand is clean, soft and white (with a few bits of coral, as all the Gili Islands beaches have) and the water is that brilliant shade of blue that only the very best island destinations boast.

4. The sunset side (west)

The beach gets a little rougher as you make your way round to the sunset side of the island. The beaches are still nice but they can’t compare to the one I just mentioned.

You’ll still want to spend some time on this side though, as watching the sunset while sitting at a beach side restaurant or bar is a quintessential Gili T experience. There are so many to choose from — we went to a couple close to our hotel (and the hotel’s own restaurant) and the view was great (although the food at the places we ate could have been better). 


Everybody thinks Gili Trawangan is small Island where did not much activity you can do there, the island is 300 hectare Square which has been established buy more than 350 Hotel everything is Can be the something more important to do to spend the whole time for vacation.
Traveling to try to improve their facility infrastructure activity and the other thing can support to inform the Trawangan quality in activities which able to decrease unsatisfactory,
Here We and close the Trawangan best activity during your holiday :

1. Snorkeling
Snorkeling is one of the simple underwater activity they just need the basic of a swimming skill you can just stay on the top of surface of the water then you can see the whole thing under the water by the masker what about the other things you my visit on the whole island you can hire glass bottom boat to visit another sport in the Gili trawangan Island
Snorkeling is the best activity in Gili Trawangan, everything we talked about snorkeling we'll change our mind to the underwater activity like fish, Coral and out of a great underwater view which very nice to show, snorkeling has more than 4 greatest sport to visit in Gili trawangan however all the sport have different in every time you visit. Then you must try this activity during your stay in Gili trawangan
2. Diving
The second thing you might do and get it through on these diving one of the deepest way to explore what underwater with tang Masker and scubapro. Regarding to this activity there more than 10 diving company has been built in Gili Trawangan accept diving license under PADI certification.
Another Indonesian diving Academy you may know diving company under the Indonesian license or SSI diving, diving Hess education to operate the tank and  scubapro which usually use on diving activity.
3. Biking
There many thing that you can do in Gili trawangan such as biking, biking is one of the simple activity.
There are many bike rental station in beach front Gili Trawangan with the price 45000 a day.
Ride a manual bike in Gili Trawangan will be a great things to expand your time Waiting on the world islands in fifty minutes with the bike
4. Ride Horses
Want to be like cowboy Gili trawangan horse riding the step up on the beach with big horse to ride. keep your time to see the beautiful island by horse on the top side.
5. Horse Cart Around
Spending the time by take a horse Cart to see the whole island with price of IDR 300.000, rupiah to load 3 persons on cart.
Stay relax on cart by spending the time overwhile to see the beautiful beach and stop from any highest place for better view in Gili Trawangan
6. Beer pong
Beer pong is one of favorite game which playing by foreign people especially Australia, this game was made to throw the ball to the glass, as same like a basketball procedure but no basket, no jumping.
Throw the ball to the glass on table. Who winner will get the drink gift from the loser.

7. Playing cheese
This game you just can play in villa ombak which has giants cheese on the park area close to swimming pool seat.
8. Lounge on the beach
Lounge on the beach is a basic trip which people always waiting for and explore it, the long beach and clean with crystal waters make a beautiful place for lounge by the beach.
The best lounge area in Gili Trawangan you may visit :
️ Horizontal beach
️ Villa Ombak Trawangan
️ Villa ombak sunset
9. Yoga class
Trawangan has high energy to pull the body out, the yoga class teacher said like that, what make yoga class better in Trawangan.
There are no reasonable answer why but everybody believe that Trawangan where the best place ever, as we see right now there are much people enjoy the class without complaint about the location.

10. Free diving
Feel boring use the scuba pro equipment then continue wanna try how the fish come down to the water, freediving is the best choice.
Take a little breath and explore 10 meters deep by following the tail from up to the bottom.
A great exercise really need it, a long fin will help your speed to go down and up cause they has great push to decrease energy out.

11. Hopping 3 island
Hopping to the three Gilis are a fantastic trip to explore another island in one day trip :
Here the Gili to explore :
️ Gili Trawangan
️ Gili Meno
️ Gili Air


1. Cidomo

We cannot recommend using cidomo (horse-drawn carts) due to the significant concerns about the treatment of the horses.

2. Walking & Cycling

The Gilis are flat and easy enough to get around by foot. Bicycles, available for hire on all three islands (40,000Rp to 60,000Rp per day), can be a fun way to get around, but sandy stretches of path mean that you will spend time pushing your bike in the hot sun.


GETTING TO THE GILIS is simple. We’ve put together some time saving tips on how to get there by Fast boat from Bali via Padang Bai and Amed. You get a range of options, from the super slow public ferries to stylish private charters for the deep pocketed voyager. Failing that, the Gilis are just a short helicopter ride away, and the views on show are well worth including on your trip.
If you’re already planning to spend a night or two on the mainland before crossing over to the paradise islands, then you can get away with booking a spot on the fast boat the day before. But don’t leave it till the morning of the trip, the fast boats fill up fast – especially in high season.
Most travellers get their Gili fast boat tickets from travel agents in Kuta before transferring through Padang Bai. However, we highly recommend getting the fast boat to the Gilis from Amed, a beautiful fishing town on the east coast of Bali with unbelievable snorkelling, breathtaking views of Mount Agung and the most charming village vibe.

If this is a short weekend trip to the Gilis however, you’ll want to get there as fast as possible. In that case, your best bet is to get the Fast boat from Lombok. It’s also a good idea to get to the Gilis from Lombok instead of Bali in January and February, when the seas can get rather choppy.
Lastly, the most important tip for getting to the Gili islands on the fast boats is never get on an overloaded boat. It’s rare that it happens these days, but just in case you find yourself herded into a dangerously overcrowded fast boat, get off and ask for a refund.
Can’t wait to get to the paradise islands? Here are 5 ways to get to the Gili islands from Bali.

Fast boat from Amed

Crossing the Lombok Straight from Amed takes only 45-minutes, instead of 1.5 hours from Padang Bai and costs IDR250,000 each way. Not many travellers know about Amed because travel agents in Kuta don’t actively promote this hauntingly beautiful port. If you have the time, take the three hour drive to Amed from Denpasar, you’ll be so glad you did.
Pacha Express departs twice a day (9am and 4pm), stopping at all three islands.

Private sailing charter

Not the most practical way to get to the Gilis, but certainly a stylish way to travel the high seas, and discover 23 more Gilis when you charter a day trip on a fabulous sailing boat. Bali Yacht Services has a sizeable fleet, with a number of boats to choose from. Skim the Lombok Strait on a fabulous speed boat, a cruisy catamaran or a luxurious yacht? We can’t decide either.

Public ferry

The public ferry from Padang Bai to Lombok departs every hour on the hour, but it’s painfully slow. The upside of the 5-hour crossing: it only costs a measly IDR40,000 per person. Perfect for the traveller who has more time than money.

Then it’s another slow public ferry from Lombok to the Gilis and waiting in between, so the total trip will take over 8 hours. If it’s worth the hassle to you, then go for it.

Private air charters to the Gili islands

Getting to the Gili islands in a private helicopter charter isn’t just a way to arrive in style, it also gives you a chance to see Bali and the Gilis from above and snap a few award winning aerial photos of the islands.
Air Bali operates private helicopter charters between Bali and Gili Trawangan, which they’ve aptly named the Gilicopter – which flies on Fridays and Sundays only. The 45-minute flight takes up to 5 people depending on weight. Find out more about Air Bali’s helicopter charters to Gili Trawangan.

Fast boat from Padang Bai

A handful of fast boat operators depart from Padang Bai to the Gili islands in the mornings between 9am and 930am. Most people spend the night in Kuta and take the shuttle bus to Padang Bai in the morning. A much nicer way to do it is to spend the night in Padang Bai instead and bypass the madness and sleaze of Kuta.


1. Public Boat to Gili Trawangan

Budget conscious travelers may chose to take the “slow boat” from Bali to Lombok and then on to Gili Trawangan. This journey includes a shuttle pick up from your homestay in Bali and ride to Padangbai, one of two main harbors in Bali. From Padangbai you board the public ferry (thing big, slow and a little creaky) which will take to to Lombok in 4-6 hours.

You arrive in Lembar, a harbor town on Lombok and from there take a taxi or bemo (local minibus service) to Bangsal. From Bangsal you take a small public boat to Gili Trawangan- this journey takes 30 minutes to an hour. The total journey time can be from eight to ten hours, so take a good book!

There are many tour operators in Bali and Lombok which will offer one price for the entire trip. It will save you time and money to buy one ticket for the whole journey rather than at each section of the trip. For the adventurous this is more of an experience but you won’t save a lot of money by taking the slow boat. If you value your time over money then opt for a fast boat.

2. Speedboat Service

As we know, the speedboat service in the fastest way to reach Gili Island from Lombok, just spend 10 minutes ride from Teluk Nare Harbour to Gili Trawangan or Gili Meno or Gili Air

All facility was validation by the government  under SNI ( National Standard Indonesian ) cause all the facility completely with life jacket, fire extinguisher and professional boatman to sailing to the gili island
The price 350.000, for 2 person of you, want to book please contact us with the number or email you can do, the boat can load 10 passengers in a boat, reminder : we just accept private trip it mean you will no need to wait another person

3. From Lombok Airport to Gili

We recommend to take private transfer from Lombok Airport to Gili Trawangan.
it will spend approximately 2 hours from Lombok International Airport to Gili Trawangan with private car and continue with private speedboat from Teluk Nare to Gili Trawangan.
it enclose the procedure of airport pick-up service :
Paging in Airport 
Before you book the pick-up service, actually we need your name and your flight details to attached to our job list report and transform to action.
A white board will welcoming you at the Lombok International Airport which written under your name cause that is the best way to find our client in airport. 
A Profesional staff welcoming you at the airport then bring all of your luggage through the car, before you leave the airport make sure that all of your stuff, luggage and anything important have been on your hand to avoid anything to worry about.
Drive Car to Teluk Nare 
The MPV car is one of our transportation which allow to load 4 persons with luggage, a big space of interior will accompany your journey through your Gili destination and also air conditioner facility will avoid heat along the trip.
Along the way, we will pass the senggigi beach where you can see the beautiful beach with blue water view although the road come up and come down, to keep relax and enjoy it we can stop any where to take some photo or some lunch in restaurant close to.  
Finally, we will spend one and fifty minutes drive car from Lombok International Airport to Teluk Nare where our private speedboat landing for.
Teluk Nare to Gili Trawangan by Speedboat
After long journey we will finish the trip by speedboat to across  from Teluk Nare to Gili Trawangan, 7 kilometers away by 10 minutes.
We have a private harbor in Teluk Nare to welcoming our client with high appreciated and easy managed without feel uncomfortable with the people across the road way.
Normally we drop the clients to Gili Trawangan where the place for speedboat landing for but we always drop the client direct to the beach infront of hotel by speedboat such us :
  • Villa Ombak
  • Villa Almarik
  • Horizontal Hotel
  • Pearl of Gili
  • Kokomo
  • Trawangan Resort
  • Beach House
  • Trawangan Dive
This can be done depend to the weather and the water condition ( high tide and low tide ). For reservation, please find our service above and select the service you need then continued to finish the all step by step till the trip confirmed.   
                                           GILI TRAWANGAN HOTEL 
There are some five star hotel in Gili Trawangan was made as a symbol to grab the people to stay on, but the facility did not marching what they called five star hotel, here we attached 5 the best five star hotel in Gili Trawangan. 
1. Villa Ombak Hotel 
Villa ombak is one of pioneer of five star hotel in Gili Trawangan, it standalone between many hotel in Gili Trawangan under it facilities.
There are no other choice for the tourism who dreaming to stay on five star hotel, just the only one Villa Ombak.
It hold the certification for 5 or 10 years a way without any competitor to born as a competitor, they stay calm down to watching the guests come and stay.
This hotel was shown the Lombok Traditional Home we call "Lumbung" as the hotel concept, a local home concept transform to the VIP hotel, this is the to long lasting the culture and to promote the Lombok culture to guests.
This hotel located on the south side of Gili Trawang right facing with Senggigi beach in Lombok, they has Long Beach Front accompanies with beach restaurant, you can cek direct to Villa Ombak Gili Trawangan Hotel
2. Ombak Sunset Hotel
This is a second home of Villa Ombak, it has built to re-completely the something less in Villa Ombak.
When you arrive on the door side, you will imagine how powerfull this property to build, a billion dollar was spend to get better result.
The interior artistic was made by curving the wood as same as Ballinese Handmade, the thing of the hotel was so special.
Long swimming right infront of the beach to be additonal facility will make very satisfied, any other option are Ombak Sunset is the first hotel build the magical Swing on the beach front to be a sunset backround, this was so viral on social media especially instagram.
After this booming then continues another hotel follow the idea, Remember that another business owner will try to copy what you do to avoid a fall down to the big hole. Check Details >>>>>>
3. Pearls of Trawangan 
Pearls beach hotel is one of the best hotel in Gili Trawangan, the concept with eco trust to use the bamboo as hotel material like roof, table and  seat
This hotel was so easy to find from Bangsal Harbour in Lombok, where you can take public service to and from Lombok.
The hotel location on the south side of Gili Trawangan right after Villa Ombak Hotel, the hotel was so beautiful, they put the hotel room by the beach view for most enchanted.
The location we call Semi-Central cause there is not much activity on the beach side but has easy acces to central side to find restaurant, bar, harbour  and night market Check Details >>>>>>
4. Pandawa Hotel
Pandawa Hotel it located on the west side of Gili Trawangan, we call sunset point facing to Agung Mountain.
This kind of Hotel was managed by Villa Ombak Management, the name was take from the name of God of Hindus People.
The hotel was simply desing interior and exterior but really recomend it for the people who want stay relax and enjoy the time while holiday on. Check Details >>>>>>
5. Aston Sunset Hotel
Aston sunset is one of the hotel network in indonesia, they want try to grab the other guest in Gili Trawangan to be a high level competitor for other big hotel.
It located on the west side of Gili Trawangan same  as it name Aston Sunset, what the different of the hotel then other, it has restaurant on the beach side and life music everyday.
The extremely different, this hotel was so professional to handle the guest cause they are kind of hotel network with many other branch in indonesia. Check Details >>>>>>
Finally those all the information about Gili Trawangan which most popular Gili Island in Lombok

Thursday, 5 September 2019


eni sulistiani
Fastboat Bali to Gili Island is a fastest way to reach another paradise island from Bali Island to Gili Island or Gili Isalnd to Bali. this transportation has been established from 2010 until now been the best choice for the tourist which stay in Bali Island and require to see the Gili Island from closest area. 

As one of the best transportation and shortest way to find Gili Island, there are many choice to travel to Gili Island by fast boat company, we stop our choice to Wahana Gili Ocean which has two time running every day. 

A smart traveler will never spend much time in a place where was so tired to see and want to see another way the god change our mind, here the best departure time for fast boat : 

1. For boat leave at 10.00 AM
pick up time from meeting point   time at 07.00 - 08.00 depend to the hotel location. We will always inform our client about pick up time then easy to connecting with client on that time when our driver come for pick up service. 
2. For boat leave at 13.00 PM it meant pick up service will be done at 10.00 - 10.30 in the morning, this time marching to the people which want to stay longer in Bali Island or Gili Island.  

Wahana Fastboat offers up-to-date and accurate information about all the fast boat services from Bali to the surrounding islands, which operates with online reservations and booking service. You can find schedules and timetables, boat specifications, picture galleries and price comparisons.
We are currently the only independent company working with every fast boat operator and can therefore offer tailor made packages with bigger discounts and even open return tickets on different services.

Choose the best option of boat transport from any where in Bali to the Gili islands of Trawangan, Meno and Air, mainland Lombok, or Nusa Lembongan, or even a day charter if that suits you best.
Situated a short trip away from Bali are many small coral fringing islands. With white sandy beaches, swaying palm trees, crystal clear turquoise waters, these paradise islands are perfect for divers, snorkelers, surfers, families and backpackers.

These tropical paradise islands just got closer with several comfortable fast boats operating these routes with daily and twice daily services in the busy seasons.

Please note that Paradise Islands Travel only recommends boat operators that are fully licensed, have fully accredited captains and crew, and that meet full international western safety standards, and that have full passenger insurance.


1. Please book a fast boat by us, please contact us by email or phone to find destination then we will give the detail information, after the payment issued, we will send the ticket through your email address.
Before you book any fast boat, you should be carefully due to many of tourist confused about their destination and additional service required. Make sure about additional service and timing those should be written on your ticket to avoid any miscommunication or misunderstanding between you and fast boat staff

2. If you have added additional pick up , please keep the timing and your ticket .

The driver will be pick up on hotel lobby area where you stay as timing agreement between you and fast boat company, do not miss to provide your ticket to the car driver to reconfirm your ticket, this the easy ways to recognize that you are the passenger of the boat, and do not  lose your ticket.
The driver will continue to drop you to the harbor where a place that you will catch your fast boat to Gili Island.
Some of the fast boat company provide free transfer in Bali area especially for :
North Bali like Kuta, 
Nusa Dua, 
and much more. 
For pick up service we will spend an hour from your hotel to the harbor Padangbai

3. Make registration on the office for boarding pass

Registration is one of the important think to do due to reason for a standard operational procedure, make sure all passenger have reported.
After this process we will continue to wait till the time for sailing come over, you can take rest for a while on cafe, drink a coffee, browse an internet free WiFi where that fast boat company provide it as part of their service, you need to wait around 30 minutes.

4. Sailing with fast boat

Before you get in to the boat, make sure that all of your staff has brought to the fastboat, we will spend approximately 90 minutes from padangbai harbor to Gili Trawangan.
The fast boat porter staff will handle all of your stuff from fast boat to the land of Gili, so keep waiting on white sandy beach while see the beautiful island.

Please note : all the fast has additional free transfer pick up and drop off in hotel of south bali such us Jimbaran, Denpasar, Sanur, Serangan, Kuta, Nusa Dua and Ubud ( make sure that the additional service have been written on your ticket ), if not you will arrange the transport to your hotel by yourself absolutely you will spend more money.

Please Check The Regular Question Below :

How to Book This Service ?

Please Send us the list
Name :
How many persons :
Nationality :
Time Departure :
Hotel Pick up :
Time Request  :
After payment done, we will send the ticket details direct to your personal email address.

What Kind of Fast Boat Bali to Gili Service We Use ?

we will send the boat service on the ticket by confirmation the information details then you will be more understand about the service and the service priority you need.

What time  pick up service in Bali ?

Pick service depend to the boat departure
For boat leave at 10.00 AM 
pick up time from meeting point   time at 07.00 - 08.00 depend to the hotel location. We will always inform our client about pick up time then easy to connecting with client on that time when our driver come for pick up service. 
For boat leave at 13.00 PM it meant pick up service will be done at 10.00 - 10.30 in the morning, this time marching to the people which want to stay longer in Bali Island or Gili Island.  

Any pick up service in Gili Island ?

I am sorry, We have no pick up service or drop off in Gili Island, if you need pick service you may contact your hotel stay to manage the transfer to hotel

What kind of payment you accept for ?

We accept Visa or Master card or PayPal

How Long The Sailing Service ?

We need 90 Minutes to across from Padang Bai to Gili Island, another land transfer depend to the location where hotel stay.

Is it safe transport ?

All the fast boat company have been guarantee as Indonesian Standard Sailing Quality and International Equipment Service 

What about bad weather ?

We will not sailing if the weather not support to across the sea, we pending sailing service for inconvenient cause.
If the weather was normally as earlier then Syahbandar allow us to sailing then we follow the command from Syahbandar ( The people who allow fast boat to stop or continue sailing for Fastboat Bali to Gili Island.

Can we pay Deposit before ?

The ticket was same like flight ticket, you should pay the total price then the ticket will send to your personal email address.

Departing Instruction

Departing in Bali:
  • Passenger who wants to use pickup service but outside of pickup coverage areas would be charged for extra fee. Please contact us for the detail.

  • Our fare includes free pickup for several areas. Such as: Denpasar, Bali airport, Sanur, Kuta, Seminyak, Legian, Kerobokan, Central Jimbaran, Ubud Center, Candidasa. All pickup cars depart on 06.30 from Wahana Gili Ocean head office in Klungkung. Passengers on the furthest point will be picked up first. Passengers should be ready at lobby of their hotel / villa around 06.30 – 07.15 for pickup service.
  • Register your presence to our check-in staff and inform them about your baggage and belonging. The staff will ask for your original itinerary (ticket) and replace it with a new ticket. Keep this new ticket during your boat trip.
  • After check-in, please wait for the boat at the jetty.
  • Passenger who doesn’t want to use our pickup service should reach Wahana Gili Ocean check-in counter in Padangbai harbor. Please be aware there are many fast boat check-in counters in Padangbai harbor. You may notice staffs with Wahana Gili Ocean’s logo on their shirt.
  • We allocate the sufficient number of seats on each boat. But the seats are not numbered. Please pick the available seat for you and please respect other passengers.
  • Porters will load your baggage on the boat before you take a place on the boat.
  • Get in the boat carefully and hold the grip tight.
Departing in Lombok / Gili Trawangan:
  • After check-in, please wait for the boat at the jetty.
  • Porters will load your baggage on the boat before you take a place on the boat.
  • Get in the boat carefully and hold the grip tight.
  • We allocate the sufficient number of seats on each boat, but the seats are not numbered. Please pick the available seat for you and please respect other passengers.
  • Our fare exclusive pickup service in Lombok area. Please be on Teluk Kodek harbor at least 30 minutes before scheduled departure time.
  • Register your presence to our check-in staff (you may notice Wahana Gili Ocean’s logo on their shirt). The staff will ask for your original itinerary (ticket) and replace it with a new ticket. Keep this new ticket during your boat trip.
Arriving Instruction
Arriving in Bali:
  • After the boat moored on the jetty, you can step outside to the jetty. Watch your steps carefully and hold the grip tight. Check your belonging before leaving the boat.
  • Please follow our staff instruction for drop off service. Each car has it’s own itinerary. You may ask to the staff which car is suitable for your destination.
  • Please check all your belonging and baggage before leaving the shuttle car.
  • Porters will unload the baggage. Pick your baggage and make sure nothing is left.
  • After all passengers get their baggage and are ready to leave the harbor, our staff will guide the passengers who want to use free drop off service to the car area 
  • Our staff will inform you once the boat is approaching Padangbai harbor in Bali. You may get ready and preparing for arriving.
Arriving in Lombok / Bali:
  • Porters will unload the baggage. Pick your baggage and make sure nothing is left.
  • We do not provide overland shuttle service in Lombok / Gili Trawangan. If you have someone waiting for you, please make sure you meet him. There are some touts in Lombok harbor offering overland shuttle. If you are finally dealing with one of them, get a good price. We can also arrange an overland transport in Lombok if you request before boat departure in Bali. Alternatively you may call a metered taxi in Lombok: +62-370-627000 (Blue Bird Taxi).
  • Our staff will inform you once the boat is approaching Teluk Kodek harbor (Lombok) or Gili Trawangan harbor. You may get ready and preparing for arriving.
  • After the boat stop, you can step outside to the beach. Watch your steps carefully and hold the grip tight. Check your belonging before leaving the boat.
Bali (Padangbai)
Lombok / Gili
09.30 AM
11.15 AM
01.00 PM
02.30 PM

Lombok / Gili
Bali (Padangbai)
09.30 AM
02.00 PM
11.15 AM
02.00 PM


1. BALI 

There is no other place like Bali in this world. The Island of the Gods offers great beaches, countless waves for surfing and wonderful natural sites to visit and explore, colorful ceremonies, and gifted artists. There is an unbelievably wide range of hotels, resorts and villas, restaurants & bars, spas and not to forget:world-class activities and shopping in Bali - all within close distance and at very fair prices.
Bali is famous for a very high value-for-money-ratio, which allows traveler to enjoy and afford the wonder of this island, regardless of their budget. Choose from basic home-stays run by friendly Balinese families, and 5star beach resorts or luxurious, or privately-serviced Bali villas with your private pool.

But, Bali is much more than that!. There is a special vibe, an essence, something authentic that is difficult to describe, which has touched and inspired visitors from all over the world since decades. It has something to do with the Balinese themselves and their warm and welcoming character. You have to experience it to believe it. Bali is truly magical, it allows you to be who you want to be.
The largest of the three islands, Gili Trawangan attracts the majority of visitors, it is around thirty minutes boat ride from the northwest mainland of Lombok and regular daily FASTBOAT BALI TO GILI depart Bali directly to Trawangan island and all boats stop off at Teluk Nare on mainland Lombok as part of the return journey.


The beaches of the Gilis are still powdery white, the water a beautiful clear blue and they are positioned perfectly for sunsets over Bali’s Mt Agung and sunrise over Lombok’s Mt Rinjani. Thirty years ago the Gili islands were uninhabited and only discovered by the seafaring Bugis people from Sulawesi. It was only a matter of time before the more adventurous backpacker types discovered the islands and developed Trawangan into a hippy party paradise destination.

Unique to the Gilis all forms of motorized transport are still not allowed – meaning the only way to get around is on foot, by bicycle and in pony carts known as Cidomos.
One sign of change is the recent introduction four ATM machines on the three Gili Trawangan to be found at Hotel Vila Ombak and Coral Beach. 

It’s possible to follow the beach around the perimeter of the island in around two hours on foot. The most popular stretches of beaches are `Goodheart’ (the main stretch) and `North Beach’ where the best snorkeling is to be found.

All dive centers and many shack operations lining the beaches rent snorkeling equipment for around IDR 50,000 for half a day.

Hawkers are not so much of an issue on Gili Trawangan as in Bali; you’re likely to attract afriendly conversation from the locals rather than a hardcore sales pitch.
Beware of strong currents and do not attempt to swim between any of the islands.
With over twenty-five dive sites surrounding all three islands there are opportunities to dive any of the Gilis regardless of where you base yourself.

Gili Trawangan now identifies itself as a great holiday destination suitable for families of all ages. Various new hotels, luxury villas, and boutique bungalows now cater to children and offer good value. Some have baby-sitting services, and with lots of activities on the islands families are sure to enjoy their beach holidays to the full.

Most visitors stay on Gili Trawangan for the facilities and make the short hop out to the dive sites. Each dive school has its own fleet of traditional outrigger boats that ferry divers offshore to the walls and reefs where the best diving is to be found.

Aside from the obvious lure of snorkeling and diving, sunbathing and bar-hopping, Gili Trawangan has a fair amount of distractions to keep visitors both amused and entertained throughout the course of their stay.

Fishing trips and charters can be made with the local outrigger fishing boats who offer day trips with line fishing and trawling.

The Bio Rock is an environmental initiative set up by the Gili Eco Trust that over the last six years has hosted an annual Bio Rock workshop on Gili Trawangan. The artificial metal reef cages are fed a constant voltage of electricity to encourage coral regeneration and are a natural attraction for all forms of marine life. There are now thirty three individual projects in the Gilis and it’s possible to snorkel or dive around them and there’s even a PADI specialty course tailored to educate and involve a wider community.

Horse Riding with the boys at the Stud Stables, is a great way to see the whole of the island. The perimeter of

Gili Trawangan can be walked along the beach and Stud Stables have experienced and professional guides. Even though the routes are very relaxed and not at all challenging the horse rides are  suited to more practiced riders.


Although Gili Air is closest to the Lombok mainland it is the most overlooked of the three Gili islands in terms of development. However, that is all set to change as the market here is geared very much towards the budget traveler and tropical island explorer. A lot of visitors actually prefer the grass roots atmosphere of Gili Air and the feeling of really being part of a close knit local community.

The circumference of Gili Air island is travelable by foot in around two and a half hours but be sure to pack some supplies as you’re heading well off the beaten track.
As with Gili Meno the pace of life is slow and endearing to those who really want to escape the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

The latest arrival to show how Gili Air is very slowly catching up with big brother Trawangan, is a new ATM machine. It is located on the east side in the middle of what you may call the main strip, basically the concentration from the harbour to another fairly new operation of bungalows called Bibi’s.

It takes all the usual cards like – Visa, master Card, even cirrus and Maestro. With the new power cable from the mainland Lombok installed, the time was right. It is a great advantage to visitors as they don’t have to take bundles of cash, and even though there are still some small “Mati Lampu” or power outages for a few hours here and there it means people may stay longer.


Only a kilometre from Gili Trawangan and set in the middle of the three islets lies the real Robinson Crusoe experience of the Gilis with some of the best beaches to be found.

Only two kilometres long and one wide, Gili Meno is the smallest of the three islands and by far the most peaceful and under developed. It’s possible to walk around the island along the beach or paths of Gili Meno in under two hours.

Most visitors are attracted to Gili Meno for the lure of total escapism and it is therefore very popular with honeymooning couples and adventurous castaway types.

The dining scene is predominantly local cafes with grilled fish on the beach as dusk approaches.
Lazing around in a hammock, reading books and playing chess with the friendly locals  also ranks very highly on the daily Meno agenda.

For divers and snorkelers, the island boasts the infamous ‘Gili Meno Wall‘ where during the day turtles freely swim by and giant gorgonian fans hang amongst the colourful corals. At night divers can witness huge Moray Eels and the entertaining Spanish Dancers, baby cuttlefish and a whole array of crustaceans.


Most visitors arrive via Gili Trawangan then jump on a connecting island hopper boat for the fifteen minute trip over the channel.


 Lombok, an island surrounded by fascinating beaches, glorious diving and snorkelling opportunities, surfing and trekking, challenging mountain climbs and villages rich with handicrafts, historical temples and cultural island life. Lombok's got all this and more on an island that's as beautiful as Bali without the madness of a myriad of tourists. Yes, compelling yet not congested, paradise as you hoped it might be, that's Lombok. So Lombok carries that sense of adventure that's not handed to you on a package-designed plate. You can still get the old map out, speak to a couple of knowing locals, then make up your own experiences and memories. 
Granted, the tourists are coming these days in larger quantities, but there's a balance of ruggedness and convenience that is beginning to put Lombok firmly on the map due to the glowing posted journal entries and blogs of hundreds of wide-eyed returning vacationers. Furthermore, the natural harbours of Telek Nara and Telek Kodek in the northwest of Lombok represent a gateway to the stunning Gili Islands, which are described in more depth here on
Finally those all the information about Fastboat Bali to Gili Island as your the best choice with Padangbai as depature place.
Bali is the most popular island holiday destination in the Indonesian archipelago. The island is home to an ancient culture that's known for its warm hospitality. Exotic temples and palaces set against stunning natural backdrops are some of the top attractions. Dining in Bali presents endless choices of local or far-flung cuisine. After sunset, famous nightspots come to life offering exciting clubbing and packed dance floors. Inland, towering volcanoes and pristine jungles greet you with plenty to see and do, but you won't want to stay away from the beach for long. Enjoy amazing beach resorts and luxury resorts in any in Kuta, Seminyak and Jimbaran where many of the finest hotels and villas are right on the beach. You can also find Bali’s exciting surf spots nearby. For tranquil seascapes and sunrises, the eastern beach resorts are your best bets. These include Sanur, Nusa Dua and the remote coast of Candidasa. In Bali’s farther and lesser travelled East Bali and northern region, you’ll find some world-class diving spots with calm bays. They're home to pristine coral gardens teeming with colourful marine biodiversity.

Read more at:
Bali is the most popular island holiday destination in the Indonesian archipelago. The island is home to an ancient culture that's known for its warm hospitality. Exotic temples and palaces set against stunning natural backdrops are some of the top attractions. Dining in Bali presents endless choices of local or far-flung cuisine. After sunset, famous nightspots come to life offering exciting clubbing and packed dance floors. Inland, towering volcanoes and pristine jungles greet you with plenty to see and do, but you won't want to stay away from the beach for long. Enjoy amazing beach resorts and luxury resorts in any in Kuta, Seminyak and Jimbaran where many of the finest hotels and villas are right on the beach. You can also find Bali’s exciting surf spots nearby. For tranquil seascapes and sunrises, the eastern beach resorts are your best bets. These include Sanur, Nusa Dua and the remote coast of Candidasa. In Bali’s farther and lesser travelled East Bali and northern region, you’ll find some world-class diving spots with calm bays. They're home to pristine coral gardens teeming with colourful marine biodiversity.

Read more at: