Monday, 30 September 2019


climb rinjani in one day, best equipment to trek rinjani, is rinjani dangerous

The Most Question we found from All of Our Clients and always be unstopped Question,  then we answer here below : 

1. Is Mount Rinjani Dangerous ?

Rinjani Mountain is a Volcanic mountain which save to travel in for Trekking activity or Climbing by the trek as soon as the The Rinjani Mountain Controller allow the traveler to stay in. 

During the Earth quake on 2018, Rinjani have been close fo a while due to the trek to the top and other have been close by the the land through then those are will be a problem for the trekker to find the right way to the top.

Rinjani is active volcano and show the activity but under the save level from Indonesia Meteorology and Geologist Department, it meant it save to travel in.

2. How Long Does Take to Climb Rinjani Mountain ?

For the whole time you can climb Rinjani Mountain in one day full but you need an extra power to passed the trek with many trek up and down. 

If you push the whole power  to trek it can be damage for your body, then the best time for Rinjani tour package  you may choose one of them : 

Rinjani Trekking 2 days 1 Night

This kind of package just for expert trekking which have more experience to climb much more mountain, they have high fitness level and usually have travel a lot. 

Most of the client take this package due to the time in Lombok was limited then they need to save more time to another travel in other lands, one thing that should be understand that your safe and comfortable also secure will be the focus. 

You may take this package with private and sharing depend to your necessary for the money expend and education need.

Rinjani Trekking 3 days 2 Nights

This package marching to the advance of trekking, the client have trekking for minimum 5 times then this package will be possible for them, 

Rinjani has different trek then other mountain in Indonesia, another one thing that Rinjani has a tropical forest with vary ecosystem flora dan Fauna which you will never get in other mountain in other place.

Rinjani Trekking 4 days 3 Nights 

Are you a beginner ? 
you come to the right package, spend more time but easy for beginner which never climb the mountain or had climb for one or two time only. 

Never worry about the trek, cause the guide standby to serve you about education, marching the equipment and also help you to get better movement with low power.

3. How Much Does it Cost to Climb Rinjani Mountain ?

The cost is different then another package, more days package you will spend more money for your time and consumption also service program.

The share or private service will affected to the trekking package cost for person, The Private Rinjani Trekking start USD 230 per person and Sharing package start USD 150 per person.

4. Can you climb Rinjani Mountai in One Day ?

Are sure you have experience ??
or you have high level fitness quantity ??
one day trekking will be the best option for you who has a little time and has more experience to catch the sunrise by the summit. 

5. What Date Rinjani Mountain Open and Close for Trekking ?

Rinjani mountain usually open for trekking when dry season starting June until October when the dry season coming and another month are rainy season when the time that Rinjani Trekking close, the month will be change depend to the season.

6. What the best equipment should be bring to Climb Rinjani ?

Torch the best tool for lighting for night trekking.
Stick will help to step down the trek and also when you go to summit under the sandy
Jacket to keep your body warm on the extreme temperature as long of your trekking
Tent for sleeping on the hill or Segara Anak  Lake
Mount Shoes a spesial shoes for trekking
Mount Bag to keep your equipment stay inside
Another equipment will provide by the company which the booking with

7. Can we Climb Rinjani Without Guide 

We really do not recommend to climb Rinjani Mountain without guide, most of the traveler try to do it but at the end they lost and never now where should go to summit and where to go back, there are no water and no friend will be a high damage for you.

Keep stay with the guide which has any connection with department which responsibility for accident, wounded or lost.

8. What Different Share Package and Private Trekking for Rinjani ?

Share Package 

- Low Cost
- More people to  know each other
- Valid for Advance only cause much people chose the package
- 6 persons will stay with one guide
- Share the experience with friend
- More Fun

Private Package  

- Full Control
- Full Service
- One person with One Guide
- Flexible for the time

9. What the Best Trekking area to start, Sembalun or Senaru ?

Sembalun : 

- Flat trekking area
- Easier to start trekking which much better for beginner 
- Starting from East Lombok good enough for the guest which stay in Pink Beach, Kuta Lombok or Selung Belanak
- View of Sembalun with strawberry field on the top, that was so exciting. 
- Sembalun village is a small village which surrounded by the small mountain


- Starting from North Lombok, better for client which stay in Mataram, Senggigi and 3 Gilis
- The trek quiet high then Sembalun
- Better for advance with medium level trekking side
- Passed the Rumah Adat Bayan
- You can visit 2 waterfall for extra cost ( Sendang Gile and Tiu Kelep Waterfall )


10. Where to stay one night before trekking 

Your trekking company will serve you with one night stay in hotel Senaru which we call Golden Rinjani with the best hill and rice field view, also one thing that you can see Rinjani Mountain by that hotel. 
A beautiful sunrise will come to your room to say hello and good morning to you. 

One night in Hotel for : 
- Save the energy 
- Briefing time 
- Take rest for tommorow better 
- Prepare the whole equipment need
- Startegy and Power Expense


What do the porters carry? 

Usually, hikers carry all their personal items (clothes, toiletries etc) and the porters carry food, water and camping equipment.
All equipment we need will bring by the porter, another thing is cooking tools to cook the food and water which the guest request about it.

What is the group size? 

The group size consist with 10 participant and they come from another nationality, background, attitude and skill. 
More people more fun

What do they do with garbage? 

You are going to go through a lot of food and water on the trail. Make sure your tour company pays their porters to carry your garbage out, instead of dumping it or burning it on the mountain. There is a lot of garbage on Rinjani – please don’t add to it!

We separate the garbage from the kind of material like Plastic, Cotton, Food, Papers and Bamboo or Trees, another kind of garbage we bury it on mountain like Food, Cotton, Trees and Paper for easier to process, plastic with any kind of mark we bring home by our porter with special cost for them.

Who runs the company? What is their story? 

We love to travel with private companies run by local people. They tend to care deeply about the environment and the longevity of their business and less about earning a quick buck
Hope the answer will have trekker to recognize the problem and get better solution then.keep book with  Lombok Society Travel

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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