Sunday, 6 October 2019


rinjani packing list, packing list rinjani, rinjani packing list for trekking

Every temperature and condition we will need a different thing to cover our body from cold or dry season in every place. that also for hiking Rinjani Mountain which has cold temperature on the top summit

Prepare anything we need before the time come through, Bring as little as possible. If you think you’ll survive without something, leave it behind! You’ll regret the extra weight when you’re on your 1200th metre of ascent for the day!
  • Hat, gloves & scarf (it’s very cold at the top)

    Hat that much better for you to cover your head from the sun heat and from the dust from the wind blow from the Rinjani Mountain.  
    Scarf for cover all of your face exclude your eyes, the cold temperature made your face freeze and hard to move it.
  • Good hiking shoes (running shoes are not grippe enough)

    Do not use the sport shoes, remember that Rinjani is the third higher mountain in Indonesia which has more challenge and Difficult Trek to Explore.

    Find the best quality one for better using and save comfortable to use during the high performance. 
  • Headlamp (for the night hike to the summit)

    Headlamp better to find the best way when night trek, then prepare this tool during your trekking cause most of trekking when reach the top on the night time ( Dawn Time )
  • One/two sweat-wicking t-shirts

    As we know that Rinjani has high temperature when the day time then all sweat will come out through the whole body.
    Keep your body safe and comfortable to swear any clothes for do not disturb your trekking time.
  • One pair of shorts
    One short is not good enough for your trekking trip then keep one more as your change when another was not suitable to swear after long time.
  • One pair of long pants

     Night time is a beautiful thing to see on the sky, but one thing that you remember, night time is a cold time wherever in the world if you stay in a mountain.
    A long pants will be a great treasure to prepare before trekking starting over cause when forgotten there no place to buy on mountain
  • Toothbrush & Toothpaste

    As i feel that doing brush the teeth 2 times every will affect to our communication, then what about if your habit will stop when trekking Rinjani.
    keep continue your habit to keep your self confidence stay with you with good smile.
  • Sun hat 

    Sunhat function is not only to cover your hat from the sunshine but also to getting better sight through the mountain road step which chosen carefully
  • Sun Cream

    Rinjani was so close from the sun, then keep your body burning and heat by the sun, bring some of your sunscreen to cover it.
  • Lip sunscreen (our lips got burned – not a good look)

    Your lips getting dry then has dehydrated due to temperature, keep your lips stay good looking with your lip sun cream
  • Sunglasses

    Feel comfort to see the mountain without think about the sun shine by use sun glasses, this is the perfect thing you need to keep in your hand.
  • Socks

    Remember that the cold temperature will come close to you by getting to your feet then continue to your body.
    Keep more spare sock for your feet
  • Swim suit

    This special for trekker which want to take bath on Hot Spring or Segara Anak Lake which has  good effect to your body.
  • Tiny towel

    Are you tired or are you heat ? it time for you to clean all of your sweat by a tiny towel to keep your sight straight on. 
  • ID and cash for tipping

    As we know, the porter has been work so hard to bring all your luggage out there with up to 50 Kg weight, every something you need they will make it happen even very hard for him then the way we say thank is to give him a little money.

    ID card for your Registration in TNGR post, then another thing to recognize the hiker on accident during trekking time.

Optional items:
  • Base layer (it gets freaking cold at the summit)

  • Baby wipes (if you pack them in, pack them out)

  • Soap or hand sanitizer

    All trekking have different life style one to each other then need for you to bring soap to clean your body or hand or face with a little water, but when you stay in Segara Anak Lake that time for you to clean your body with Natural Water.
  • Flip-flops

    This option  you really need when night time during your sleep by the tent, it use for clean your feet, move to somewhere. a simple thing but really helfull

Another optional for special trekking spot

  • Fishing Gear for some trekker which one try to catch some fish in Segara Anak Lake which very popular place for fishing exactly the right information from the local which we found when trekking Rinjani Mountain 
  • P3K ( First Medicine Rescue ) this must be bring on the pack for the beginner which the first time trekking Rinjani Mountain, they will not avoid the wounded from the trees or breaking down to the ground due to the sandy ground or  wet land. 
  • Medicine for special trekker which has allergic or Multivitamin to improve their energy to climb more or if they worry about the condition which unpredictable.
  • Muscle Balm, keep your foot muscle work properly, and if they feel tired that time to get balm on it for better push. 
  • Garbage Bag this actually will provide by trekking company organizer which has protect the Rinjani Green and keep love the environment. but if you feel better to bring more cause there are many garbage you find on the step the pack them in. 
  • Insect Prevent, keep bring this lotion to cover your skin for forest insect for night time although the tent will keep your body from mosquito 
  • Toiletries, Rinjani Trekking Company Organizer has provide this kind of packing list but sometimes some of the trekker has special toiletries which suitable for their skin the keep bring it to cover your trip comfortable.
  • Camera or Handy cam, wow when i write this kind of stuff, without saying on this content every body will never forget this kind of tools, The optional thing sometimes will be a primary thing for some people but generally most of the trekker put them as optional thing to bring when trekking Rinjani Mountain.

That’s everything you need to know before you book your Rinjani trekking tour, hope this really helping you.

eni sulistiani

Author & Editor

I am an Hotelier who worked for hotel and travel agent, now i arrange my business site to help the people find the best online ticketing and trip during their vacation in Lombok.

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